Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pajama Day

Pajama Day!
Friday, December 14th is 4th grade pajama day! 4th grade students are welcome, but not required, to wear their pjs to school. Please make sure pajamas are appropriate for school (no spaghetti strap tanks). Also, no slippers. Footwear must be ok to go outside and down the halls in without changing shoes!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Polar Express Movie Night

The Polar Express
When: Wednesday, December 12th
Where: Alameda, Room 144
Time: 5:30-8:00pm 
Who: Ms. Brown's students. No siblings, friends, or parents.  
What to Bring: Students may bring 1 pillow, 1 blanket, 1 small stuffed animal, and a beverage with a LID! (please no pop!) I will provide popcorn for the class so please do not send addition snacks.
What to Wear: PAJAMAS! (optional)

*Please eat dinner before

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Unit 3 Math Switch

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We will be starting our third math unit December 4th. This unit will explore fractions and division. Several physical models will be used to represent fractions as a part of a whole. Students will use these models to compare fractions, explore equivalent fractions, and add fractions. Please review the attached Unit Three Parent Letter for further information.

Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit. Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level. All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments.

Mrs. Caton’s and Ms. Brown’s classes will work at an accelerated pace. Students in these classes demonstrated mastery in some Bridges content for this unit, and a strong understanding of the remaining content. When complete mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum and additional supplemental extensions will be used to extend their thinking and understanding.

Mrs. Hunting-Knight’s and Mrs. Largo’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade pace, based on the district calendar for this unit. Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms. Both classes will have additional adult support provided through Ms. Melcher (Alameda’s Math Specialist) and Mrs. Richeson (4th Grade Assistant). Ms. Melcher and Mrs. Richeson have a duel role. Their support is for students who have shown a need for classroom pacing that allows more time to review and practice newly acquired skills. Additionally, Ms. Melcher and Mrs. Richeson are available to assist the classroom teacher in providing opportunities for extensions based upon classroom performance.

The purpose of organizing math classes in this manner is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight           Abby Largo             

Christy Caton                              Julie Brown                

Monday, November 26, 2012

Auction: Class Project

Hello Parents- 

We are excited about this year's auction, "Lights, Camera...AUCTION!", that will be held on February 23rd at Montgomery Park.  The auction benefits the Alameda School Foundation, which raises money to fund staff positions at Alameda.  Positions include full time staff as well as critical part time staff such as reading assistants

At our past auctions, the classroom projects have always been popular and well-loved.  Last year, the class projects brought in over $12,000!

To ensure a successful year again, we need a parent coordinator (or two) from each classroom to lead the project and serve as the communication link between the classroom team and the auction committee.  Would you consider stepping up?

It's a fun project and provides a direct benefit to our Alameda.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
(503) 285-7599

Thank you for your support!

Amy Gilliam-Sack
(Coordinator for classroom projects)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Coming Soon: Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming!
     Thursday 11/15
     Monday 11/19
     Tuesday 11/20

Your child should have brought home a conference reminder this week. Part of the reminder is a survey regarding your child. This is optional but if you do choose to fill it out please return it no later than Wednesday 11/14.

Below are sample goals for your child...

ACADEMIC: These are goals for developing or strengthening academic concepts or skills in such subjects as math, reading, and writing.
·    I will memorize all multiplication and division facts through 12 by January.
·    I will play math games to keep my mental math skills sharp (games from home and/or from school).
·    I will practice explaining my thinking using math vocabulary and supporting my ideas with examples.
·    I will think about what I am reading. I will stop and use a strategy when something is confusing or I’ve “spaced out” and can’t remember what I just read.
·    I will practice reading aloud to practice saying more advanced vocabulary and keep my oral reading skills strong.
·    I will think about how nonfiction text is organized so I can find information quickly (compare/contract; main ideas/ supporting details; time order, etc.).
·    I will think about the problem in the story and the steps the characters take to solve the problem.
·    I will write in a journal for 10 minutes each day.
·    I will keep a writing notebook at home and collect writing ideas: interesting, fun words; funny stories/ events; tape in stories from newspapers/ magazines that I like; copy inspirational poems or golden lines and try writing a poem in the style of that poet…

SOCIAL/PERSONAL: These are goals focusing on developing or strengthening process and responsibility skills such as homework, organization, and study skills.
·    I will start my homework on time without reminders.
·    I will look over the homework at school and ask questions about parts I don’t understand before the bell is about to ring.
·    I will keep a homework place clean, organized, and stocked with items I need.
·    I will keep my desk at school organized and ready for learning.
·    I will underline or circle important words in the directions of an assignment to help me understand them. (study skill)
·    I will work on the hardest assignment first, when I am most alert. (study skill)
·    I will use my planner to include a weekly schedule of my time so I know when I can accomplish my responsibilities, remember important dates/activities for the week, and include fun activities. (study skill)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween is a very fun day at Alameda but there are a few reminders...
     NO Masks
     NO Blood 
     NO Weapons

Students do not wear their costumes to school! They should bring them in a backpack or bag and will change into their costume just before the Halloween Parade which takes place at 1:45.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lelooska Lodge

This Thursday, October 25th we will be visiting Lelooska Lodge Cultural Center

In the original field trip notice we indicated not to send with your child. The original plan was to eat lunch at Merwin Park after the performance but due to weather we are not taking that risk, and in years past even without rain it has been uncomfortably cold. As a result we will return to class to eat lunch. The cafeteria will be closed by the time we return so please still send your child with a sack lunch or order one from the cafeteria. That is a long time however for students to not have a snack. Please send your child with a healthy, non-messy snack (no yogurt or liquid products). They will eat their snack at the park during the restroom break before the performance.

Also, please make sure your child dresses in layers. We will be waiting outside before the performance and the performance is in a traditional cedar plank house and can be chilly.

Art to Remember

Students took home their replica Kandinsky Circles art last Friday. If you are interested in ordering this for Alameda's Art to Remember fund raiser please return the packet by this Friday, October 26th.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween Party Planners

Halloween is two weeks from today! 
If you are available to help plan and/or carry out a Halloween party Wednesday, Oct 31st from 2-3 please let me know. 
After parents have notified me of their interest to help in some way I will send out a group email to those interested and you all can connect and plan from there. 
Also, if you are interested in heading the event 
please indicate that as well.

Math Swtich- Starts 10/18

October 16, 2012
Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We will be starting our second math unit on Thursday, October 18th. To begin the unit, we will explore the base-four number system.  This exploration allows for new and deeper understanding of our base-ten number system.  However, the larger focus of the unit will be practicing models and strategies of multiplication.  Students will explore the meaning of multiplication and its properties.  They will develop and practice efficient models and mental strategies for multiplying.

Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level.  All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments, as well as student pacing during the last unit. 

Mrs. Catons class will work at an accelerated pace.  Students in this class demonstrated mastery in some Bridges content for this unit, and a strong understanding of the remaining content.  When complete mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum will be used to extend their thinking.

Ms. Brown’s class will work at an accelerated pace, as appropriate.  Students in this class demonstrated a strong understanding of Bridges content for this unit.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided. 

Mrs. Hunting-Knight and Mrs. Largo’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade pace.  Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms.  Both classes will have additional adult support provided through Ms. Melcher (Alameda’s Math Specialist) and Mrs. Richeson (4th Grade Assistant).  This additional support is for students who have shown a need for classroom pacing that allows more time to review and practice newly acquired skills.  Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on classroom performance.

The purpose of organizing math classes in this manner is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                        Abby Largo                                          

Christy Caton                                                Julie Brown                           

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oregon Geography

So far we've learned about Oregon's regions and mountains.
Oregon's rivers, lakes and cities are soon to come.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Say Cheese! Picture Day Tomorrow- Oct 9th

Picture Day is Tomorrow!! Our class is scheduled for 10am tomorrow morning.

If you would like to buy student pictures please send the order form with your student tomorrow if you have not already!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reading Group Volunteers

Please let me know if you are interested in helping with reading groups. I am looking to start reading groups the week after this coming one, on Wednesday, Oct 17th. Reading groups will take place from 12:35-1:15pm (please plan to be there from 12:30-1:20). If you are interested in facilitating a reading group than I ask that you are able to come every week. If there is a week you are not able to be there I understand but I ask that you let me know in advance. If you foresee that you will not be able to come on a consistent weekly basis than perhaps we can talk and find a different avenue for you to help out in the classroom. As a reading group facilitator you will be with the same group of kids every week between now and Winter Break but it is not guaranteed that you will be with your child. We will continue groups after winter break but there may be some shuffling of students depending on need or depending of volunteer availability.

Please email me if you are able to help out with reading groups.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Transportation & Volunteer Processes for Field Trips

Dear 4th Grade Families,

There have been questions concerning our upcoming field trip to Lelooska Cultural Center on October 25th. We would like to clarify the transportation and volunteering processes for this field trip, and others in the future.

In regards to transportation, some field trips will rely on parent volunteers to drive students to and from our destination. The main reason we do this is because the cost of buses is very expensive. We value the outside experiences that students gain through field trips, and would not be able to participate in as many of these experiences if we chose bus transportation. In accordance with PPS policy, all parent drivers are required to complete a background check and provide a valid driver’s license and copy of insurance before they are allowed to transport students.

To clarify the volunteer process, please review the following steps.
  1. Indicate your interest in chaperoning on the permission slip
  2. Fill out background check and driving forms – return to teacher
  3. After teachers are notified of background clearances, teachers will contact approved parent chaperones. Please wait until communication from your child’s teacher before planning on attending the field trip.
While on the field trip, you will be responsible for a group of students. Your child will be in your group, and the teacher will assign the remaining students appropriately.

We appreciate your willingness and ability to volunteer. Thank you so much for your support and understanding.

The 4th Grade Team

Graded Homework Has Been Going Home

The last two weeks I've been sending home graded homework with students. If somehow its not making its way home please ask your child about it. I would like you to stay informed on how they are doing.  Also please be checking your child's planner and the class blog throughout the week for homework, updates, and information.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I had a question regarding spelling so I thought I would simply address it in case anyone else was wondering...

Sorry, it seems we keep having hiccups with spelling. On Monday the copier was down so I couldn't copy off the typical homework, so the kids were asked to write their spelling words twice using their pre-test. Today's spelling homework is ready to go and should come home as planned.

Here is how spelling will typically go:
Monday: Pre-test at school, spelling homework (due Tue)
Thursday: Spelling homework (due Fri)
Friday: Spelling Test

Students are encouraged to study their words throughout the week but I do not require students to turn anything in other than the spelling homework.

I hope this provides clarity to our spelling routine.

Classroom Volunteers

Thank you for you patience as we get settled into the school year and get into our routines. If you indicated on the volunteer survey at Back to School Night that you are able to help in some way you can expect to receive an email from me in the next day or two. Thank you for your patience and I look forward to having you in the classroom.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Picture Day Forms

Picture Day Forms were sent home with students today.
Picture day will take place the morning of October 9th!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lelooska Lodge Field Trip Forms

Lelooska Lodge field trip forms were sent home with students today! 
This is a great opportunity for students to experience NW Native American culture, dress, and folk telling. Please fill out and return paperwork no later than Oct. 11th. Also, please indicate on the student form if you are interested in being a driver-chaperone for this field trip. Upon recieving student paperwork I will send home volunteer packets to those interested.

Where: Lolooska Lodge (40min north in Washington)
When: Thrusday, October 25th
Coast: $6.00
Food: We will stop at a nearby park for a sack lunch following the performance
Field Trip Forms Due: Oct 11th

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Parent trial email #2 sent out

I just sent out a 2nd parent trial email. Please check your email and let me know if you (still) did not receive it.

Also a reminder that Back to School Night is TONIGHT at 7pm!!
See you parents in a little while!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Volunteer Opportunity

Mounting Student Art
I will talk about volunteer opportunities at Back to School Night on Thursday Sept. 20th, but for the time being I was wondering if anyone was available to cut black paper and mount student art later this week or early next week. Please let me know. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of 4th Grade!

Wow! The first day of school is over and done, and as expected I think it's going to be a great year with a great group of kids!

There are a few things that would be beneficial for your child to bring to school if they have not already:

1) Water bottle! Students often get thirsty throughout the day. Rather than missing instructional time to get a drink they need to have a water bottle (w/a lid) at their desk.

2) Healthy snack. We will have a brief 5min snack mid morning. Their snacks need to be both healthy as well as quick and easy. Apples, granola bars, crackers, carrot sticks are all great options!

3) A chapter book for silent reading. While graphic novels, sport stat books, lego books and the like are all fun and interesting, silent reading books need to be a chapter books. Students are welcome to have the other books in their backpacks to read in spare time but during our "Read to Self" time they need to read a chapter book.

Over the weekend I compiled a parent email list and on Monday I emailed a trial run email to everyone. If you did not receive the trial parent email that means it either bounced back to me or I have a different email for you. Please let me know if you did not receive the email, providing me with the email address you would like to use for parent/teacher communication.

Also, please look for the Alameda Back to School packet to come home with your child tomorrow. This packet will contain a student registration form to be updated, cafeteria calendar, student handbook, PTA information and much more!

(don't forget to sign your child's planner indicating that both you and your child read this blog post)

I look forward to a great year!
**Julie Brown

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Specials Schedule

Day 1:      Music                9:20-9:50
Day 2:      Library               9:00-9:50 
Day 3:      PE                       9:20-9:50 
Day 4:      Music                 9:20-9:50 
Day 5:      Computers        8:50-9:30 
Day 6:      PE                       9:20-9:50

There will be no specials on the first day of school and library will not begin until Monday 9/24.

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Dear Students and Families,

            It’s that time of year again and school is about to begin!  Although it is always sad to see summer come to an end, I am very excited to begin the school year and share in your 4th grade experience.

            This will be my third year teaching 4th grade at Alameda.  Over the past two years I have enjoyed getting to know and working with our Alameda families, and feel grateful to be a part of this wonderful community.
            On a more personal note, I wanted to share a little about myself.  I am a native Oregonian and have lived in Portland for twelve years. I moved here for college and fell in love with this city! Despite wishing it were a bit warmer overall, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Outside of teaching, I enjoy staying active through running and recreational sports. And though a little weary about this coming season, I am also an avid Blazer fan. Yet the thing dearest to my heart is my family, of which I am an aunt six (soon to be seven) times over. I enjoy spending time with them whenever I am able.
As the school year approaches I’m sure you’re curious what our year will hold. It will no doubt be filled with new and old friends, fun activities, and new experiences as we learn together.  In addition to improving our writing, reading, and math skills we will be learning about both Oregon’s geography and history, as well as exploring science topics such as electricity, bones and skeletons, and much more!

           Attached with this letter is a duplicate copy of the supply list and a survey to help me to get to know you.  Please fill out the survey with your parents and bring to me the first week of school.   

            Enjoy the last few days of summer!  I cannot wait to meet you and your families and begin what I know will be a wonderful year together.  See you Wednesday, September 5th!

     Julie Brown 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Field Day is TOMORROW!

Field Day is TOMORROW! 
Please make sure your child is wearing clothing they can be active in and appropriate shoes for running around! I suggest wearing layers as it may be chilly yet warm up as they run around.
Today's field day was held partially inside. If it is rainy again tomorrow this will be our lot as well (hopefully not!)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Next Year: Band

(From Music Teacher Tom Cheek)

This letter is concerning 5th grade band. Students who wish to sign up for band only need to email me at and let me know of your intention to join band for next year. I will put you on the list.

In the fall you will need to pay a fee of $100 for the entire year. If this is a hardship please let me know. The band fees go towards paying clinicians, sheet music, supplies, and shirts and hats for the Rose Festival Parade. I have clinicians come in on a regular basis to provide students instruction in small groups of like instruments. This fee for band is a great deal compared to the price of MUSE (about $500 a year, not including instrument rental).

Students will need to rent or own their own instruments. I have percussion and drums, and two bass amps. I also have some district instruments such as flutes, clarinets, trombones and trumpets available for free and reduced lunch students.

The instrumentation in band is trumpets, trombones, alto saxophones, tenor saxophones, clarinets, flutes, electric bass and drums and percussion.

Band meets at 3:00 to 3:35 Tuesday through Friday.
Band members need to make at least three rehearsals a week. If your child is on Safety Patrol it would be preferable if he/she did that in the morning. 

I look forward to another exciting year of band. This year we will march in the Junior Rose Festival Parade which is always a great experience.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Tom Cheek
Band Director at Alameda Elementary School

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

End of the Year Party

Dear Parents,

As an end of the year celebration the 4th Grade Team will be hosting a rotating Luau on Tuesday, June 12th.  Classes will rotate to all four classrooms.  

One of the activities will be a snack.  We have decided on a menu, but we’re hoping for donations of either food or party supplies. 

Requested Food Items: 

Corn tortilla chips (no Doritos please)
Costco Chocolate Chip cookies
Fruit (pre-cut or easy to serve, ex: strawberries)
Veggies (easy to serve)
Fruit/Tropical punch Capri Sun

Requested Party Supplies:

Paper Plates
Plastic Forks

If you are able to donate, please e-mail your child's teacher specifying what items you would like to donate.  Your child's teacher will send an updated supply list by Monday afternoon, identifying items that are still needed.  Please have your child bring items to Mrs. Caton’s classroom on Tuesday morning, as all snack will be served in her room. 

Also, please e-mail your child's teacher if you're interested in volunteering during the party.  The party will be held from 12:10 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.  Parent volunteers will be assigned to help in a particular classroom.  They will not rotate with each class, but rather stay and assist one teacher with their rotation activities.  For this reason, your assistance will be needed for the entire event. 

We will be taking the students out for a 4th grade recess and yearbook signing at 2:15 p.m. and would greatly appreciate any parents who would be able to stay and help clean-up during that time. 

Thank you in advance for all of your help and support.


The 4th Grade Team

Friday, June 1, 2012

Field Day: 6/8


Parents – It’s hard to believe, but the end of the year is approaching fast!!  This means that a great day of the year is approaching - “FIELD DAY.”

Field Day is scheduled for June 7th and 8th.  The schedule for the individual classes is:


June 7th

9:15-10:30       Hudson, E. Davidson, Masunaga, Conable, Eldredge-Burns, Miller, 
                   Niebergall, Garbett, 

1:00-2:15       Batsch, Eldred, Bennison, Charlston, Mundal,  C.Davidson, Kelly, McCormick

June 8th

9:15-10:30     Pettit, Reynolds, McElroy, Peterson/Hirata, BROWN, Levin, Paige-Place

1:00-2:15     Caton, Hunting-Knight, Sue Wilcox, Sheila Wilcox, Sisk, Zogas 

We need lots of volunteers for Field Day – no experience is necessary.  You only need to have a desire to help out with the games, and to enjoy watching the students have fun.

If you are able to help out, please fill out this FORM and return it to Mrs. LeBaron as soon as possible.  You may also email me at    Be sure to specify the day and time(s) you are available, as well as your child’s name and teacher.

                                                      Thank you,

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Art Night

Just a reminder that Alameda Art Night is tomorrow, Thursday, May 24th from 6:30-7:30pm
Please come enjoy all the beautiful art created by your children!
See you there!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Math Switch: Unit 7

May 14, 2012
Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We will be starting our final math unit, Algebraic Thinking, tomorrow.  In this unit, students will spend concentrated time observing, extending and making generalizations about visual, numeric and graphic patterns.  Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can successfully have opportunities to gain new skills, practice with peers, and discuss mathematical topics.  All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Similar to our previous units, our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments and the needs of the curriculum standards.

Mrs. Caton’s class will continue to work at an accelerated pace, reviewing Bridges content as needed. The students in this class have demonstrated mastery of most algebraic patterns.  Mrs. Caton will begin with Bridges curriculum and extend concepts through the  M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum.

Ms. Brown’s class will continue to work at an accelerated pace, as appropriate.  Students in this class demonstrated some understanding of algebraic concepts on the pre-test.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided.  Opportunities for deeper understanding of geometrical concepts may also be explored.

Mrs. Hunting-Knight’s and Miss Levin’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade level pace.  During this unit, their classes have been blended to allow for a slightly wider range of abilities and learning rates. The goal of this structure is to enable more student conversations that deepen student understanding. Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, to build depth of conceptual algebraic understanding. Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on individual classroom performance.  Mrs. Hunting-Knight will have our 4th grade Educational Assistant to support her class, and Miss Levin will have the support of Alameda’s Math Specialist Mrs. Robinson in her classroom.

Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                        Abby Levin                                        

Christy Caton                                                Julie Brown                           

Sporting events

Throughout the year I have told students that I would be delighted to come and watch a game they are playing in (soccer, baseball, etc). However as has been the pattern they typically tell me the day of or day before. If your child would like me to come watch a game please email or send in a schedule. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to attend but I will do my best to find a game that coincides with my schedule! Also, if your child plays with another student from our class please mention that as I can plan to hit two or three birds with one stone :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bike+Walk to School Challenge

Next week (Tuesday, May 1st) is the official May Bike+Walk to School Challenge Month.  Throughout May, students all across Oregon participate in the Walk+Bike to School Challenge. The Challenge is a free, month-long competition between Oregon students of all ages to see who can walk,bike, scoot, or skate the most.  Students keep track of the days they use active transportation to get to school on a scorecard which they then turn in for prizes.

What's happening at Alameda?
Alameda is officially registered to participate in this challenge.  Let's show these other schools who rocks!  There will be two separate challenges- an individual based challenge and a classroom challenge.  

1) Students who want to participate in the individual challenge should print out a scorecard - there will be a link in this week's News Notes. Some copies of  scorecards will also be available on the informational table in front of the calendar outside of the front office.  Students should keep these scorecards at home and circle the mode of transportation they used for each school day in May.  Cards should be turned into teachers on June 1st.  All students who submit scorecards will be eligible for prizes.

2) There will also be a classroom challenge. Each classroom will receive a poster to keep track of how students get to school during the month of May. As students enter the classroom in the morning, they should circle if they walked, biked, rode a scooter, or took the school bus to school that morning.  They should do this for every school day in May. ( FYI: classrooms will receive 1 pt for every trip by bike/foot/scooter/skateboard  and 1/2 pt for a school bus ride.  No points will be received for driving to school). At the end of the month, the classroom with the greatest percentage of students reporting using active transportation to get to school will win an ice cream party donated by Whole Foods!

**Any questions email

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Run for the Arts

Wednesday, April 25th is Run for the Arts!
Don't forget to have your child dressed for a good run- tennis shoes, appropriate clothing, and a water bottle. Fourth grade's run time will be at 1:10pm. If you are able/interested in helping tally laps for our class please show up to the classroom around 1:00pm.
Also, if paperwork was not brought in today please make sure it comes to school with your child tomorrow!

Happy Running!

Monday, April 16, 2012

OAKS Math 4/17

Please make sure you child is to school on time tomorrow as we will be OAKS Math testing promptly at 8:50. Thank you!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Report Card Notice

Dear 4th grade families,

Report cards are scheduled to be sent home Friday, April 20th. However, due to our Oregon trail overnight field trip this coming week, 4th grade teachers will be sending report cards home on Monday, April 23rd. We appreciate your understanding.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oregon Trail Packing List

Dear Families,
The time has come to prepare for the Oregon Trail Overnight. Please read the following information and save this sheet in a safe place so you can recheck as necessary. Following is a list of what your child needs to pack and what he/she is not to bring.
We will leave school at 9:00 am on Thursday, April 19th and return around 1:30 pm on Friday, April 20th. Your child will need a sack lunch for the first day. Everything in the lunch needs to be disposable.  Please write your child’s name on their lunch sack.

Clothing: (Please remember to label all clothing and bedding with your child’s name AND school) Students will carry their own bags so pack accordingly. Students may dress “pioneer style” if they wish. This may mean jeans and boots, or girls may wear long skirts (please wear warm clothes under skirts). Keep in mind that layers work best: long underwear, shirt, sweatshirt, warm jacket, and a coat (think layers). Students should bring the following (Pack in a large plastic garbage bag. Use masking tape and a marking pen to write the student’s name and school on the garbage bag. You should use an extra-thick garbage bag – thin bags tear too easily):
  • One full change of clothes besides what is worn on the first day
  • Jeans or heavy trousers (girls may substitute a long skirt, but we will be outside most of the day so make sure they’ll be able to stay warm)
  •  Shirt or blouse
  • Warm jacket
  • Underwear
  •  Extra shoes or boots
  • Raincoat or poncho (You can find emergency rain ponchos for under $2.00 at some stores)
  • Gloves
  • Sweater or sweatshirt
  • Socks (extra pairs are a good idea)
  • Pajamas or nightgown – something warm
  • Lunch – packed separately from other gear
  • Sleeping Gear: Students will be carrying all of their own gear and clothing – so pack accordingly! They will also be responsible for unpacking and repacking. Frequently the thin garbage bags rip, and bedding items can get wet.  You may want to send an extra garbage bag, pre-labeled.
  • A sleeping bag or blankets and sheets – the cabins are heated.
  • Pillow with pillow case

Personal Gear (put in a plastic bag or zip lock bag and store with clothes):
  • Wash cloth
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste / floss
  • Brush or comb
  • Hand towel
  • Soap
  • Large plastic bag for wet or dirty items
Please do NOT bring the following: money, cellular phones, radios/Ipods, electronic games, virtual pets, comic books, pocket knives, jewelry, card games, matches, curling irons, make-up or anything to eat (besides the lunch mentioned above), including candy or gum. (An afternoon snack on the first day and all meals will be provided.)

Place all medication needed by your child into a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name, school and teacher’s name. Give the medication directly to us first thing in the morning on April 19th. Medication must be in original container. The directions on the prescription label must match exactly what you wrote on the parent/guardian authorization on your child’s health history form.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Christy Caton                                                Kimberly Hunting-Knight                                       

Abby Levin                                                Julie Brown                                       

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Note From the Principal

Please remember that the playground is not open for community use between 8:45 and 3:00.  Mrs. LaBaron has class outside starting as early as 8:45 and as late as 3:00. If there are other people using the playground during that time it makes instruction very difficult. 

Portland School District Policy requires that all visitors check in at the office upon entering the building and put on a visitor badge.  Alameda staff has been instructed to refer all visitors not wearing a badge to the main office to check in. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lewis & Clark Rap

Have you heard the Lewis & Clark Rap at home more times than you can count? Here's your chance to hear it again! Our class will be performing the rap at this Friday's FAM (Friday Afternoon Meeting), March 16th at 2:15. There will also be a 2nd performance on April 6th at 2:15. Come join us as we perform for the school.

School Mornings

A note from our Principal:
Students are not to enter the school building before the first bell (8:35am) unless:
-- You are having breakfast in the cafeteria and will remain there until the bell.
-- You have a pre-arranged appointment with your teacher or other business matter inside the school.
-- Inclement weather forces you inside, but please wait, quietly, just inside the doors.

It is important that teachers have this time to finish planning for their day.
Thank you!

Monday, March 12, 2012


This week we will be taking the OAKS reading test Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure students get a good night's sleep, eat a filling breakfast and are not tardy on Tuesday as we will be testing promptly at 9:00am.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Class Picture on Friday!

Class pictures will be taken this Friday, March 9th at 2:15. If you are interested in ordering the group photo please fill out the order form and return it to school by this Friday.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Practice Speeches!!

Practice speeches this weekend! Reminder, speeches are to be between 3-5minutes. Points will be lost for shorter or longer speeches. Below are the criteria students will be evaluated on.  Listen for and talk with your child about areas of strength and areas that may need improvement.

Ideas and Content

- My speech has a clear purpose and main ideas stand out
- I use clear details that support the main ideas
- I am familiar with my topic
- I have thought about my audience. I have tried to make my message clear to my audience

- My presentation is easy to follow
- I tell things in an order that makes sense
- I have an clear beginning, middle and end
- My conclusion is clear
- My transitions flow smoothly

- I choose words that are expressive and accurate
- I use proper grammar
- I use humor when appropriate or words that convey seriousness  of my topic when appropriate

- I make eye contact with the audience
- I speak at an appropriate speed and volume and my voice is energetic
- I speak fluently without unnecessary fillers like "um" or "like
- My body language matches the tone of the speech and doesn't distract the audience

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Explorer Wax Museum

Come one, come all! Famous explorers from around the world and throughout time will be gathering Thursday, March 8th in our very own school and they are eager to tell you about their great adventures! Everyone is welcome so tell Grandma and Grandpa, neighbors and friends to come and hear from these remarkable individuals

4:50-5:00 Students arrive in costume with their 3x5 note cards
5:15- Museum Opens: Explorers will share about their lives with interested guests
6:00- Museum Closes: Explorers will check out with Ms. Brown and leave with a parent

Friday, February 24, 2012

Reminder: Oregon Trail Forms Due 3/2

Oregon Trail Field Trip Forms are due this coming Friday, March 2nd!
Please fill out all three field trip forms and return as soon as possible! If you are interested in being a chaperone, please make sure you indicate which parent is interested in attending on your child's pink form. Also, if you are interested in a partial or full student scholarship please contact me as soon as possible.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Student Language

Dear Parents,
I would like to first bring something to your attention and second ask for your assistance in talking with your child. As of late there have been consistent issues with students not using fourth grade language such as "this sucks," "crap" and even "I was so pissed off." I noticed it once or twice with one or two students, talked personally with them in hopes this would make them aware that words like this are not appropriate for fourth graders or the classroom and make others feel uncomfortable. It has somehow come to be that since the new year I am now hearing these phrases more frequently and by more students. This may or may not be your child, regardless I am asking you to please take time to talk with your child about appropriate school language. Also, in the future I will be notifying parents of any misuse of language by their child. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this issue and your child.

Thank you for your support in making this classroom a safe and comfortable environment for all students,

**Julie Brown

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Oregon Trail Overnight

Oregon Trail Overnight!!

Information about the Oregon Trail overnight field trip was sent home with your child on Friday. Please carefully read through the paperwork and return to school. Please keep the packing list in a safe place to refer to before the trip. Also please make sure in indicate any and all health issues and medications your child may have so that the staff at Outdoor School and I can best look after your child.

If you are interested in being a chaperone for this trip please make sure you check the box on the form! We can only take 8 chaperones from each class, 4 men and 4 women. After all forms have been turned in on March 2nd there will be a lottery to determine which adults will accompany us.

Please let me know if you have any questions!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Let's Explore!

Your kids are about to embark on a great journey... two great journeys actually!

First, as a class we will spend time between now and spring break traveling with Lewis & Clark through the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase, over the great Rockie Mountains and down the mighty Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. We are no longer Room 144, rather the Corps of Discovery!

In addition your child will also become a famous explorer. By the week's end students will know who they will become and begin their research. You child should have brought home an Explorer Contract. Please carefully go over this together, sign and return to school. Elements of this project will be done in class while other portions are primarily done at home, such as the map or model.

Math Switch- Unit 4

February 7, 2012
Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We started our fourth math unit yesterday Monday, February 6th.  This unit will include content addressing geometry and measurement of area and perimeter. However, the main focus will be multi-digit multiplication.  Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level.  All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Similar to our last unit, our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments. 

Mrs. Caton’s class will continue to work at an accelerated pace, reviewing Bridges content as needed. The students in this class have demonstrated mastery of most multi-digit multiplication skills.  Therefore, M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum will be used to extend their geometrical skills and understanding.

Ms. Brown’s class will continue to work at an accelerated pace, as appropriate.  Students in this class demonstrated a strong understanding of Bridges content for this unit.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided.  Opportunities for deeper understanding of geometrical concepts may also be explored.

Mrs. Hunting-Knight and Mr. Langton’s (student-teacher) class will be working at a standard 4th grade level pace.  Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms.  Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on classroom performance.

Miss Levin and Mrs. Robinson’s (Alameda’s Math Specialist) class will be exploring the Bridges content through the use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms.  Students have shown a need for classroom pacing that allows more time to review and practice newly acquired skills.  Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on classroom performance.

The purpose of organizing math classes in this manner is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                        Abby Levin                                        

Christy Caton                                                Julie Brown