Friday, June 1, 2012

Field Day: 6/8


Parents – It’s hard to believe, but the end of the year is approaching fast!!  This means that a great day of the year is approaching - “FIELD DAY.”

Field Day is scheduled for June 7th and 8th.  The schedule for the individual classes is:


June 7th

9:15-10:30       Hudson, E. Davidson, Masunaga, Conable, Eldredge-Burns, Miller, 
                   Niebergall, Garbett, 

1:00-2:15       Batsch, Eldred, Bennison, Charlston, Mundal,  C.Davidson, Kelly, McCormick

June 8th

9:15-10:30     Pettit, Reynolds, McElroy, Peterson/Hirata, BROWN, Levin, Paige-Place

1:00-2:15     Caton, Hunting-Knight, Sue Wilcox, Sheila Wilcox, Sisk, Zogas 

We need lots of volunteers for Field Day – no experience is necessary.  You only need to have a desire to help out with the games, and to enjoy watching the students have fun.

If you are able to help out, please fill out this FORM and return it to Mrs. LeBaron as soon as possible.  You may also email me at    Be sure to specify the day and time(s) you are available, as well as your child’s name and teacher.

                                                      Thank you,

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