Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Next Year: Band

(From Music Teacher Tom Cheek)

This letter is concerning 5th grade band. Students who wish to sign up for band only need to email me at and let me know of your intention to join band for next year. I will put you on the list.

In the fall you will need to pay a fee of $100 for the entire year. If this is a hardship please let me know. The band fees go towards paying clinicians, sheet music, supplies, and shirts and hats for the Rose Festival Parade. I have clinicians come in on a regular basis to provide students instruction in small groups of like instruments. This fee for band is a great deal compared to the price of MUSE (about $500 a year, not including instrument rental).

Students will need to rent or own their own instruments. I have percussion and drums, and two bass amps. I also have some district instruments such as flutes, clarinets, trombones and trumpets available for free and reduced lunch students.

The instrumentation in band is trumpets, trombones, alto saxophones, tenor saxophones, clarinets, flutes, electric bass and drums and percussion.

Band meets at 3:00 to 3:35 Tuesday through Friday.
Band members need to make at least three rehearsals a week. If your child is on Safety Patrol it would be preferable if he/she did that in the morning. 

I look forward to another exciting year of band. This year we will march in the Junior Rose Festival Parade which is always a great experience.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Tom Cheek
Band Director at Alameda Elementary School

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