Dear Parents,
I would like to first bring something to your attention and second ask for your assistance in talking with your child. As of late there have been consistent issues with students not using fourth grade language such as "this sucks," "crap" and even "I was so pissed off." I noticed it once or twice with one or two students, talked personally with them in hopes this would make them aware that words like this are not appropriate for fourth graders or the classroom and make others feel uncomfortable. It has somehow come to be that since the new year I am now hearing these phrases more frequently and by more students. This may or may not be your child, regardless I am asking you to please take time to talk with your child about appropriate school language. Also, in the future I will be notifying parents of any misuse of language by their child. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this issue and your child.
Thank you for your support in making this classroom a safe and comfortable environment for all students,
**Julie Brown
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