Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Dear Students and Families,

            It’s that time of year again and school is about to begin!  Although it is always sad to see summer come to an end, I am very excited to begin the school year and share in your 4th grade experience.

            This will be my third year teaching 4th grade at Alameda.  Over the past two years I have enjoyed getting to know and working with our Alameda families, and feel grateful to be a part of this wonderful community.
            On a more personal note, I wanted to share a little about myself.  I am a native Oregonian and have lived in Portland for twelve years. I moved here for college and fell in love with this city! Despite wishing it were a bit warmer overall, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Outside of teaching, I enjoy staying active through running and recreational sports. And though a little weary about this coming season, I am also an avid Blazer fan. Yet the thing dearest to my heart is my family, of which I am an aunt six (soon to be seven) times over. I enjoy spending time with them whenever I am able.
As the school year approaches I’m sure you’re curious what our year will hold. It will no doubt be filled with new and old friends, fun activities, and new experiences as we learn together.  In addition to improving our writing, reading, and math skills we will be learning about both Oregon’s geography and history, as well as exploring science topics such as electricity, bones and skeletons, and much more!

           Attached with this letter is a duplicate copy of the supply list and a survey to help me to get to know you.  Please fill out the survey with your parents and bring to me the first week of school.   

            Enjoy the last few days of summer!  I cannot wait to meet you and your families and begin what I know will be a wonderful year together.  See you Wednesday, September 5th!

     Julie Brown 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your blog and we're looking forward to 4th grade!
    The Schneider-Constans family!
