Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Math Swtich- Starts 10/18

October 16, 2012
Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We will be starting our second math unit on Thursday, October 18th. To begin the unit, we will explore the base-four number system.  This exploration allows for new and deeper understanding of our base-ten number system.  However, the larger focus of the unit will be practicing models and strategies of multiplication.  Students will explore the meaning of multiplication and its properties.  They will develop and practice efficient models and mental strategies for multiplying.

Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level.  All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments, as well as student pacing during the last unit. 

Mrs. Catons class will work at an accelerated pace.  Students in this class demonstrated mastery in some Bridges content for this unit, and a strong understanding of the remaining content.  When complete mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum will be used to extend their thinking.

Ms. Brown’s class will work at an accelerated pace, as appropriate.  Students in this class demonstrated a strong understanding of Bridges content for this unit.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided. 

Mrs. Hunting-Knight and Mrs. Largo’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade pace.  Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms.  Both classes will have additional adult support provided through Ms. Melcher (Alameda’s Math Specialist) and Mrs. Richeson (4th Grade Assistant).  This additional support is for students who have shown a need for classroom pacing that allows more time to review and practice newly acquired skills.  Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on classroom performance.

The purpose of organizing math classes in this manner is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                        Abby Largo                                          

Christy Caton                                                Julie Brown                           

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