Thursday 11/15
Monday 11/19
Tuesday 11/20
Your child should have brought home a conference reminder this week. Part of the reminder is a survey regarding your child. This is optional but if you do choose to fill it out please return it no later than Wednesday 11/14.
Below are sample goals for your child...
ACADEMIC: These are goals for developing or
strengthening academic concepts or skills in such subjects as math, reading,
and writing.
I will
memorize all multiplication and division facts through 12 by January.
I will
play math games to keep my mental math skills sharp (games from home and/or
from school).
I will
practice explaining my thinking using math vocabulary and supporting my ideas
with examples.
I will
think about what I am reading. I will stop and use a strategy when something is
confusing or I’ve “spaced out” and can’t remember what I just read.
I will
practice reading aloud to practice saying more advanced vocabulary and keep my
oral reading skills strong.
I will
think about how nonfiction text is organized so I can find information quickly
(compare/contract; main ideas/ supporting details; time order, etc.).
I will
think about the problem in the story and the steps the characters take to solve
the problem.
I will
write in a journal for 10 minutes each day.
I will
keep a writing notebook at home and collect writing ideas: interesting, fun
words; funny stories/ events; tape in stories from newspapers/ magazines that I
like; copy inspirational poems or golden lines and try writing a poem in the
style of that poet…
SOCIAL/PERSONAL: These are goals
focusing on developing or strengthening process and responsibility skills such
as homework, organization, and study skills.
I will
start my homework on time without reminders.
I will
look over the homework at school and ask questions about parts I don’t
understand before the bell is about to ring.
I will
keep a homework place clean, organized, and stocked with items I need.
I will
keep my desk at school organized and ready for learning.
I will
underline or circle important words in the directions of an assignment to help
me understand them. (study skill)
I will
work on the hardest assignment first, when I am most alert. (study skill)
I will
use my planner to include a weekly schedule of my time so I know when I can
accomplish my responsibilities, remember important dates/activities for the
week, and include fun activities. (study skill)
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