Monday, October 28, 2013

Main Idea & Yosemite National Park

This week we are focusing on the main idea

Our reading will also be about Yosemite National Park

Run for the Arts & Art to Remember

Run for the Arts was due last week. If you have not yet turned it in please bring it by tomorrow, Tuesday Oct 29th!!
Art to Remember- Please turn in any orders preferably by tomorrow but no later than Wednesday Oct 30th!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Headphones for Computer Lab

Up to this point we have not needed headphones in the computer lab. Students will now begin various activities where volume is an option. In order to have volume, students must have their own pair of headphones. Headphones are not to be shared or borrowed between students. If your child would like to have the option of volume please send in a pair of headphones in a zip-bag with their name written on the outside.

Unit 2 Math Switch

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We have started our second math unit today, Tuesday, October 15th. To begin the unit, we will explore the base-four number system.  This exploration allows for new and deeper understanding of our base-ten number system.  However, the larger focus of the unit will be practicing models and strategies of multiplication with larger numbers.  Students will explore the meaning of multiplication and its properties.  They will develop and practice efficient models and mental strategies for multiplying.

Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create five classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level.  All five classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments, as well as student pacing and post-assessment during the last unit. 

Mrs. Caton’s class will work at an accelerated pace.  Students in this class demonstrated mastery in some Bridges content for this unit, and a strong understanding of the remaining content.  When complete mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum will be used to extend their thinking.

Ms. Brown’s and Mrs. Hirata’s classes will work at a standard 4th grade pace, accelerating and compacting instruction when necessary.  Students in these classes have demonstrated some previous understanding of Bridges content for this unit.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided. 

Mrs. Hunting-Knight’s and Mrs. Largo’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade pace.  Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms.  Both classes will have additional adult support provided by Alameda paraprofessional staff.  This additional support is for students within the class who have shown a need for classroom pacing that allows more time to review and practice of newly acquired skills.  Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on classroom performance.

The purpose of organizing math classes in this manner is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                  Abby Largo                             Marisa Hirata                                 

Christy Caton                                     Julie Brown                        

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Run for the Arts

Run for the Arts pledge forms have been sent home with students. Please be sure to collect pledge money and return to school by Tuesday, October 22nd.

Thank you!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Spelling City!

I am using the website Spelling City for the first time this year. Spelling City allows for flexible groupings and appropriate words for students at different levels. Tonight I am having students explore the different games and activities on this website. At times I will assign certain activities and other days they'll be allowed to choose.

Tonight students simply need to explore the site for 20min, trying out various games and activities.

Each student also has a username and password.
Username: First name144 (example: Julie144, Bob144a)
*some students have an "a" on the end of 144 while others do not. Students should have written down their user name today in class. If the one you try does not work try it with(out) the "a"
Password: alameda

**At the top of the SpellingCity page go to "Login" and on the right hand side will be the student login section**

Picture Day Tomorrow! 10/15

Tomorrow is Picture Day! Please send picture order forms in with your child if that is something you're interested in purchasing. Our picture time will be no later than 10am.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Email problems and Run for the Arts!

Dear Parents,

My email is currently not loading on my teacher computer and I have to use a different computer to access my email. Even then I can only view messages but not compose emails. I am working with IT to fix this situation.

With that said, I have a couple volunteers for Run for the Arts tomorrow but am looking for a couple more. Fourth grade will be running at 1:10pm, and volunteers reporting to classrooms at 1:00pm. If you are able and interested in helping please send me an email.

Thank you,
Julie Brown

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Run for the Arts! Oct 9th

Run for the Arts is coming up! Please have your forms in by October 8th as the run is October 9th.
Also, if you are interested in helping with Run For The Arts please let me know, as I am looking for 3-4 helpers.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chaperone Update

Lelooska Lodge Chaperones
There have been many of you who have shown interest in driving/chaperoning our upcoming field trip. From the looks of it, we most likely will not be able to take all interested parents. It is a small venue with several classes/schools packed in. I have kept track of those who've shown interest and who have turned in their license/insurance forms. I will let you know by Oct 16th if you will be joining us for this field trip.

**If you have shown interest please email me indicating how many student passengers your car can hold (not counting the front seat!). Don't worry, the number of seats you have available doesn't effect whether you go or not, it simply lets me know how many parents I need total.

Student Teacher: Miss. Quick

Hi everyone,
My name is Miss. Quick and I will be helping in Ms. Browns class this school year. I will be in the class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings.   I'm a junior  education major at Concordia University.   This is my third year at Concordia University and first year working at Alameda School. I have spent the past two years volunteering in a first and second grade class at Faubion School. I am currently working for Portland Parks and Recreation as a SUN teacher at Faubion's SUN program.

I grew up in Crescent City California, a small town on the coast in northern California. My dad is a middle school teacher, and my mom works in a special day classroom. My family often jokes that teaching is in my blood, and that I'm going into the "family business." I have a younger brother, Daniel, who is currently at boot camp for the U.S. Marine Corps.

On my free time I love to scrapbook, make cards, craft, bake, and read. Scrapbooking is my creative outlet. Whenever I feel stressed I tend to scrapbook and make cards. I'm not the best cook, but I love to bake and make sweet treats. Strawberry shortcakes are my signature dessert.

I am so excited to be working with Ms. Brown and her students this semester.

Ms. Quick

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Student Post: week of 9/16-20

Last week in Ms Brown's class we learned about Land and Water. We created the water cycle! We had a bucket of land and poured water into it, we put a piece of plastic over it and tied it with a rubber band, we sat there for about 5 minutes and after a while we saw little droplets of water on the plastic. Then it got too heavy and dropped down!

   We'v been learning about decimeters. Every day we have added on one decimeter trying to get up to a meter. We learned that five decimeters make half a meter and ten decimeters make a meter. On friday we finally reached 1 meter!

    We learned about C.A.T. ,  C.A.T. is for writing.  C is for character, A is for action, T is for thing. Last week we wrote two CATs in a row.

Last week all of our I Am The One Who poems and our self portrait, and water cycle posters were due.

We do community group every Friday. We do foozles, foozles are different colors that have different faces, each face means a different expression.


by Pippa and Liv

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lelooska Lodge Field Trip

Field trip forms were sent home last Friday. Please take time to fill out and return the form as soon as possible. Permission slips and payment are due Oct 4th. Lelooska Lodge is a fun field trip and a great opportunity for students to experience NW Native American culture, dress, and folk telling.

Where: Lolooska Lodge (40min north in Washington)
When: Tuesday, November 5th, 9:00-1:30
Coast: $6.00
Food: We will stop at a nearby park for a sack lunch following the performance
Field Trip Forms Due: Oct 4th

If you are interested in being a chaperone driver please indicate so on the form. Fill out the PPS Background Check Form and I will send home a driver qualification form in addition.

Volunteer Background Checks

If you are interested or even considering volunteering in the school, classroom or on a field trip this coming school year please visit the following PPS page to complete the district Background Check Form. It is very important that you do this prior to any field trip or volunteer opportunity. Please complete the process as soon as possible even if you don't foresee volunteering till later in the year. Alameda's office will notify me when one of my classroom parents has been cleared.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Students will learn their multiplication facts in the following order. Students should be proficient* with a given number before moving onto the next number, and proficient in a group before moving onto the next group.

Group A Group B Group C

0/1 3 7

10 6 9

11 4 12

2 8


* Proficiency is 40 problems w/38+ correct in 2 minutes

Friday, September 20, 2013

Specials Schedule

Specials Schedule for Rm144 
Day 1:      Music                 9:20-9:50
Day 2:      Library              9:00-9:50 
Day 3:      PE                      9:20-9:50 
Day 4:      Music                 9:20-9:50 
Day 5:      Computers        8:50-9:45 
Day 6:      PE                      9:20-9:50
*Late start Wednesdays we will not go to that day's special

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Post: Week of Sept 9-13

      Last week Room 144 learned all sorts of facts including egyptian numerals.
  Egyptian code: Staff = 1 Heelbone = 10 Scroll = 100 Lotus flower = 1,000 Bent finger = 10,000 Tadpole = 100,000 Astonished Person = 1,000,000

      That is the egyptian code.
 We also learned about the water cycle, the 1st step is called collection, that's when the water all collects together ; the 2nd step is evaporation, this is when the water gains so much energy from the sun's heat that it turns into a vapor and rises to the sky. The 3rd step is condensation, this is when the water vapor molecules latch onto a dust particle because the dust particle is cold. Soon other water vapor molecules latch on and it becomes heavy. That's when the 4th step comes in, precipitation, this is when the dust particle becomes so heavy and it falls as sleet, snow, hail or rain.
      That is the water cycle or Hydrological cycle.
We also learned about area. Area is the inside of the perimeter of a shape. We used shape tiles and then actual measuring items including 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3.
We made shape posters by tracing a shape and labeling things we noticed on them. We worked in groups and even made a nice background.
Did you know that 10 centimeters are in a decimeter? Or that 10 decimeters are in a meter?
Classroom 144 Learned all this during 9/8/13 - 9/13/13.

                                                       By Brendan Hays

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome Back to School

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

(first day of school class photo)

I am very excited for the upcoming school year with this class. We're off to a great start these first two days and I look forward to what the year brings. I will be sending home a parent letter in a day or two to let you know a little more about our class and procedures.

Yesterday (Wed, 9/4) I sent home Alameda's back to school packet with each student. Inside you will find a variety of information regarding Alameda. The following forms that need to be signed and returned to me by Monday, Sept 9th:
1) Student Verification Form
2) Walking Field Trip
3) Fluoride
4) Time for Kids money- $8

Several kids have asked about cafeteria helper permission slips. I thought they were included in the packet but were not. I will send those home as soon as I receive them.

Also, please mark your calendar for Back to School Night, Sept 19th from 7-8pm. I look forward to meeting you all and sharing with you about your child's up coming year!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lewis & Clark Rap Performance

The kids did a great job performing the Lewis & Clark rap at both assemblies!! This is the third year I've done the rap and one of the best performances. Great job kids!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Dates to Note!

Run for the Arts Forms Due: Monday, April 29rd
I've told the kids April 25th. If possible have them in by this Wed, April 25th, but if you need more time Monday is the latest!

Oregon Trail: April 25-26
Wagon's west, we're moving out! 

Run for the Arts: Monday April 29th
Due to Brown and Hunting-Knight being gone to Oregon Trail on the school's Run for the Arts day, our make up day will be Mon, Apr 29th from 1:30-2:00pm. I am looking for 2-4 parent helpers. If you are available to help during this time please let me know!

Lewis & Clark Rap Performance: Friday, May 3rd & May 17th
We will perform our Lewis and Clark rap for Friday After Meeting at 2:15pm on both of these days. It is a short 3minute performance but would love it if family and friends came to watch!

Explorer Wax Museum: Tue, May 14th, 5-6pm
Students will be dressing up and giving their explorer speech from 5-6pm.

Spring Open House: Thursday, May 23rd, 6:30-7:30
This evening, formerly know as Art Night, now allows for a more board range of student work to be displayed. Come enjoy and look through the work your child has done over the past months.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oregon Trail Packing List

Dear Families,
The time has come to prepare for the Oregon Trail Overnight.  The following is a list of what your child needs to pack and what he/she is not to bring.
We will leave school at 9:00 am on Thursday, April 25th and return around 1:30 pm on Friday, April 26th. Your child will need a sack lunch for the first day. Everything in the lunch needs to be disposable.  Please write your child’s name on their lunch sack.

Clothing: (Please remember to label all clothing and bedding with your child’s name AND school) Students will carry their own bags so pack accordingly. Students may dress “pioneer style” if they wish. This may mean jeans and boots, or girls may wear long skirts (please wear warm clothes under skirts). Keep in mind that layers work best: long underwear, shirt, sweatshirt, warm jacket, and a coat (think layers). Students should bring the following (Pack in a large plastic garbage bag. Use masking tape and a marking pen to write the student’s name and school on the garbage bag. You should use an extra-thick garbage bag – thin bags tear too easily):
  • One full change of clothes besides what is worn on the first day
  • Jeans or heavy pants (girls may substitute a long skirt, but we will be outside most of the day so make sure they’ll be able to stay warm)
  •  Shirt or blouse
  • Warm jacket
  • Underwear
  •  Extra shoes or boots
  • Raincoat or poncho (You can find emergency rain ponchos for under $2.00 at some stores)
  • Gloves
  • Sweater or sweatshirt
  • Socks (extra pairs are a good idea!)
  • Pajamas – something warm
  • Lunch – packed separately from other gear
  • Sleeping Gear: Students will be carrying all of their own gear and clothing – so pack accordingly! They will also be responsible for unpacking and repacking. Frequently the thin garbage bags rip, and bedding items can get wet.  You may want to send an extra garbage bag, pre-labeled.
  • A sleeping bag or blankets and sheets – the cabins are heated.
  • Pillow with pillow case

Personal Gear (put in a plastic bag or zip lock bag and store with clothes):
  • Wash cloth
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste / floss
  • Brush or comb
  • Hand towel
  • Soap
  • Large plastic bag for wet or dirty items
**Please do NOT bring the following: money, cellular phones, radios/Ipods, electronic games, virtual pets, comic books, pocket knives, jewelry, card games, matches, curling irons, make-up or anything to eat (besides the lunch mentioned above), including candy or gum. (An afternoon snack on the first day and all meals will be provided.)

Place all medication needed by your child into a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name, school and teacher’s name. Give the medication directly to us first thing in the morning on April 19th. Medication must be in original container. The directions on the prescription label must match exactly what you wrote on the parent/guardian authorization on your child’s health history form.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Starting New Units

Fun things are coming here!
There are two more months of school and they are jammed with fun and a lot of work!

We are starting novel studies this week. Last week students were introduced to several books and chose a book to read over the next 6-7 weeks. Students will be reading these books individually and then come together once a week to discuss the content and reflect on what they've read. All of the books incorporate another culture, which students may or may not be familiar with. Most of the reading will take place in school but students may need to take the book home on occasion if they need to catch up.

Today we started our electricity unit. This is a great hands-on unit where students explore electricity and circuits with different variables.

Lewis & Clark
By now I'm sure you've seen your child's Lewis & Clark Journal come home as a part of homework. Students are learning about the expedition, the different peoples and places they encountered and the impact of this journey for the USA. Following this Unit (post field trip) we will transition into the Oregon Trail, and as a class go on a simulated journey west!

Explorer contracts should have gone home over the weekend and the signed contract is due tomorrow (4/16). Over the next several weeks students will research their explorer (which they chose today), compile notes and put together a 3-5 minute speech. This has been a great activity in the past. Keep in mind, much of this project is an at home assignment. We will work periodically in class on it but multiple nights of homework will be directed toward this project.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Garden Session #2

Garden Session #2
Observing indoor plants, outdoor plants, and comparing

OAKS Reading

I want to remind you that this coming week is not only the week before spring break, which I'm sure you all know, but that it is also the week we will be taking the OAKS Reading test. Our times in the computer lab to test are Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please make sure kids are well rested and have a hearty breakfast and lunch!

Thank you

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Class Garden Underway!

Our class garden is underway!
Today students had the opportunity, thanks to Anthony and Diana (Christopher's parents), to explore the concepts of soil nutrients and what is involved in planting and growing a garden.
Over the next couple months we will be growing snap peas, lettuce and radishes. We will grow the vegetables both in our garden bed and in the classroom and observe the differences.

Spirit Week

Tuesday- Sports Jersey 
Wednesday- Crazy Hair 
Thursday- Pajamas
Friday- Alameda T-shirt

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hip-Hop Dance

Finally figured this one out... here's the dance video! Practice up kids!
Parents, we will be performing at 1:30 on Wednesday Feb 13th. Its a very short performance but please feel free to come watch your children!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching!
If you are able and interested in helping with a class party please let me know (also looking for someone or a few to head this simple event). Typically we take the last the last 45min of school and do a simple party with treats, a couple simple games or activities and the traditional passing out of cards. A complete class list will go home with your child this Friday. Valentine cards are not required but if your child does bring a card I ask that they have one for every student in the class.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wanted: Reading Group Facilitators

Are you wondering how to get involved in the classroom? Has the new year opened up your Wednesday 12:30-1:30 time slot?

If so I am looking for a couple more people to help with reading groups. I've lost some help due to adjusted work schedules and with that groups have become somewhat large or have had to work independently without an adult leader. We're making this work but it would be nice to have assistance for all groups without having to make the groups too large.

If you are available and interested in being a reading group facilitator on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 please send me an email. Thank you!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


from year book staff:
Yearbook Cover Design Contest

Due Date:  Thursday, January 31st    (Please send contest entries to the office.)
Theme:  "Portland"
Medium:   Watercolor
Must be included on cover:  ALAMEDA or ALAMEDA SCHOOL... and  2012-2013

Size:  Dorian Contest Sheet provided or any 8 1/2" x 11" white paper, including watercolor paper  (Please include student's first & last name, grade, & teacher's name on the back of all artwork if using paper other than the contest form provided by Dorian Studio.)

Yearbook Order Forms
Date Due:  Monday, February 11th
Cost:  $16  (Cash or Checks only - Please make checks payable to Alameda PTA.)

Ordering for Multiple Siblings:  Please use a separate order form envelope for each child.  If you want to write one check, please put that check in one of the envelopes & staple all order form envelopes together & send them in with your oldest child.  Once we account for the money and yearbook arrive, we will make sure each of your children gets their own yearbook in their own classroom.

Photos Needed
The yearbook staff is in need of photos for the yearbook.  When sending photos, please include the grade &/or activity.

--Please send K, 2nd & 3rd grade photos to Amy Compton at
--Please send 1st, 4th & 5th grade photos to Julie Brennan at

Clubs, field trips, & other activity photos can be sent to Amy or Julie.

Because this year's theme is PORTLAND, we are especially interested in getting photos of students on field trips around Portland.  (# Pumpkin Patch, Bridge Tour, Downtown Tour, Whitaker Pond, etc...)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Science and Social Studies

As the year begins we are excited to start two new units of study- Bones & Skeletons and NW Indians. I'll keep you updated on what we're addressing throughout the unit studies but here is a quick overview of the content we'll cover.

Bones & Skeletons
In our Bones & Skeletons unit students will be learning about the five bone groups found in the human body, comparing and contrasting animal skeletons, looking at the function of teeth in humans and animals, learning about and identifying the different types of joints in the body along with much more.

NW Indians
In our Native American unit students will be learning about the different regional tribe groups in Oregon, Coastal and Plateau, along with some specific tribes. Students will be learning about their homes, food and hunting, clothing and culture. At times students will also compare various Indian tribes and as extensions research what NW Indian life looks like in our present day.

I encourage you to take time and ask your child about what they are learning in these two units!

A Message from Our Principal

Welcome Back and happy New Year! I trust everyone had a relaxing and happy time with family and friends! As we start the New Year I would like to remind everyone of a few building and district safety policies that are in place for all students and adults in our community. I ask that these be followed exactly a laid out without exception.

Portland School District Policy requires that all visitors check in at the office upon entering the building and put on a visitor badge. Alameda staff has been instructed to refer all visitors not wearing a badge to the main office to check in. Even if you are just dropping off a lunch in the classroom, paying for lunch in the cafeteria, picking a student up early etc., you are required to check in at the main office.

Pick up/Drop off
Fro drop off, all parents and caregivers must either exit the building or check in at the office at 8:45AM. If you are running late and your child will not get to class by 8:45 you must check him/her in at the office. For pick up, we cannot have anyone waiting on the school playground or anywhere in the building prior to 3:00 PM unless check in procedures have been followed.

Please remember to wait outside for the 8:35 bell before entering the building unless it is raining. If it is raining feel free to wait inside the doors but please to not go down to your teacher’s classroom until 8:35 unless you have an appointment with your teacher. Students eating breakfast may come in and eat and either wait in the cafeteria or head straight out the front door if they finish before the bell rings.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Raddy Lurie, Principal.