As the year begins we are excited to start two new units of study- Bones & Skeletons and NW Indians. I'll keep you updated on what we're addressing throughout the unit studies but here is a quick overview of the content we'll cover.
Bones & Skeletons
In our Bones & Skeletons unit students will be learning about the five bone groups found in the human body, comparing and contrasting animal skeletons, looking at the function of teeth in humans and animals, learning about and identifying the different types of joints in the body along with much more.
NW Indians
In our Native American unit students will be learning about the different regional tribe groups in Oregon, Coastal and Plateau, along with some specific tribes. Students will be learning about their homes, food and hunting, clothing and culture. At times students will also compare various Indian tribes and as extensions research what NW Indian life looks like in our present day.
I encourage you to take time and ask your child about what they are learning in these two units!
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