Thursday, September 26, 2013

Student Post: week of 9/16-20

Last week in Ms Brown's class we learned about Land and Water. We created the water cycle! We had a bucket of land and poured water into it, we put a piece of plastic over it and tied it with a rubber band, we sat there for about 5 minutes and after a while we saw little droplets of water on the plastic. Then it got too heavy and dropped down!

   We'v been learning about decimeters. Every day we have added on one decimeter trying to get up to a meter. We learned that five decimeters make half a meter and ten decimeters make a meter. On friday we finally reached 1 meter!

    We learned about C.A.T. ,  C.A.T. is for writing.  C is for character, A is for action, T is for thing. Last week we wrote two CATs in a row.

Last week all of our I Am The One Who poems and our self portrait, and water cycle posters were due.

We do community group every Friday. We do foozles, foozles are different colors that have different faces, each face means a different expression.


by Pippa and Liv

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