Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome Back to School

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

(first day of school class photo)

I am very excited for the upcoming school year with this class. We're off to a great start these first two days and I look forward to what the year brings. I will be sending home a parent letter in a day or two to let you know a little more about our class and procedures.

Yesterday (Wed, 9/4) I sent home Alameda's back to school packet with each student. Inside you will find a variety of information regarding Alameda. The following forms that need to be signed and returned to me by Monday, Sept 9th:
1) Student Verification Form
2) Walking Field Trip
3) Fluoride
4) Time for Kids money- $8

Several kids have asked about cafeteria helper permission slips. I thought they were included in the packet but were not. I will send those home as soon as I receive them.

Also, please mark your calendar for Back to School Night, Sept 19th from 7-8pm. I look forward to meeting you all and sharing with you about your child's up coming year!

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