Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Student Teacher: Miss. Quick

Hi everyone,
My name is Miss. Quick and I will be helping in Ms. Browns class this school year. I will be in the class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings.   I'm a junior  education major at Concordia University.   This is my third year at Concordia University and first year working at Alameda School. I have spent the past two years volunteering in a first and second grade class at Faubion School. I am currently working for Portland Parks and Recreation as a SUN teacher at Faubion's SUN program.

I grew up in Crescent City California, a small town on the coast in northern California. My dad is a middle school teacher, and my mom works in a special day classroom. My family often jokes that teaching is in my blood, and that I'm going into the "family business." I have a younger brother, Daniel, who is currently at boot camp for the U.S. Marine Corps.

On my free time I love to scrapbook, make cards, craft, bake, and read. Scrapbooking is my creative outlet. Whenever I feel stressed I tend to scrapbook and make cards. I'm not the best cook, but I love to bake and make sweet treats. Strawberry shortcakes are my signature dessert.

I am so excited to be working with Ms. Brown and her students this semester.

Ms. Quick

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