Monday, October 14, 2013

Spelling City!

I am using the website Spelling City for the first time this year. Spelling City allows for flexible groupings and appropriate words for students at different levels. Tonight I am having students explore the different games and activities on this website. At times I will assign certain activities and other days they'll be allowed to choose.

Tonight students simply need to explore the site for 20min, trying out various games and activities.

Each student also has a username and password.
Username: First name144 (example: Julie144, Bob144a)
*some students have an "a" on the end of 144 while others do not. Students should have written down their user name today in class. If the one you try does not work try it with(out) the "a"
Password: alameda

**At the top of the SpellingCity page go to "Login" and on the right hand side will be the student login section**

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