Thursday, September 26, 2013

Student Post: week of 9/16-20

Last week in Ms Brown's class we learned about Land and Water. We created the water cycle! We had a bucket of land and poured water into it, we put a piece of plastic over it and tied it with a rubber band, we sat there for about 5 minutes and after a while we saw little droplets of water on the plastic. Then it got too heavy and dropped down!

   We'v been learning about decimeters. Every day we have added on one decimeter trying to get up to a meter. We learned that five decimeters make half a meter and ten decimeters make a meter. On friday we finally reached 1 meter!

    We learned about C.A.T. ,  C.A.T. is for writing.  C is for character, A is for action, T is for thing. Last week we wrote two CATs in a row.

Last week all of our I Am The One Who poems and our self portrait, and water cycle posters were due.

We do community group every Friday. We do foozles, foozles are different colors that have different faces, each face means a different expression.


by Pippa and Liv

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lelooska Lodge Field Trip

Field trip forms were sent home last Friday. Please take time to fill out and return the form as soon as possible. Permission slips and payment are due Oct 4th. Lelooska Lodge is a fun field trip and a great opportunity for students to experience NW Native American culture, dress, and folk telling.

Where: Lolooska Lodge (40min north in Washington)
When: Tuesday, November 5th, 9:00-1:30
Coast: $6.00
Food: We will stop at a nearby park for a sack lunch following the performance
Field Trip Forms Due: Oct 4th

If you are interested in being a chaperone driver please indicate so on the form. Fill out the PPS Background Check Form and I will send home a driver qualification form in addition.

Volunteer Background Checks

If you are interested or even considering volunteering in the school, classroom or on a field trip this coming school year please visit the following PPS page to complete the district Background Check Form. It is very important that you do this prior to any field trip or volunteer opportunity. Please complete the process as soon as possible even if you don't foresee volunteering till later in the year. Alameda's office will notify me when one of my classroom parents has been cleared.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Students will learn their multiplication facts in the following order. Students should be proficient* with a given number before moving onto the next number, and proficient in a group before moving onto the next group.

Group A Group B Group C

0/1 3 7

10 6 9

11 4 12

2 8


* Proficiency is 40 problems w/38+ correct in 2 minutes

Friday, September 20, 2013

Specials Schedule

Specials Schedule for Rm144 
Day 1:      Music                 9:20-9:50
Day 2:      Library              9:00-9:50 
Day 3:      PE                      9:20-9:50 
Day 4:      Music                 9:20-9:50 
Day 5:      Computers        8:50-9:45 
Day 6:      PE                      9:20-9:50
*Late start Wednesdays we will not go to that day's special

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Post: Week of Sept 9-13

      Last week Room 144 learned all sorts of facts including egyptian numerals.
  Egyptian code: Staff = 1 Heelbone = 10 Scroll = 100 Lotus flower = 1,000 Bent finger = 10,000 Tadpole = 100,000 Astonished Person = 1,000,000

      That is the egyptian code.
 We also learned about the water cycle, the 1st step is called collection, that's when the water all collects together ; the 2nd step is evaporation, this is when the water gains so much energy from the sun's heat that it turns into a vapor and rises to the sky. The 3rd step is condensation, this is when the water vapor molecules latch onto a dust particle because the dust particle is cold. Soon other water vapor molecules latch on and it becomes heavy. That's when the 4th step comes in, precipitation, this is when the dust particle becomes so heavy and it falls as sleet, snow, hail or rain.
      That is the water cycle or Hydrological cycle.
We also learned about area. Area is the inside of the perimeter of a shape. We used shape tiles and then actual measuring items including 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3.
We made shape posters by tracing a shape and labeling things we noticed on them. We worked in groups and even made a nice background.
Did you know that 10 centimeters are in a decimeter? Or that 10 decimeters are in a meter?
Classroom 144 Learned all this during 9/8/13 - 9/13/13.

                                                       By Brendan Hays

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome Back to School

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

(first day of school class photo)

I am very excited for the upcoming school year with this class. We're off to a great start these first two days and I look forward to what the year brings. I will be sending home a parent letter in a day or two to let you know a little more about our class and procedures.

Yesterday (Wed, 9/4) I sent home Alameda's back to school packet with each student. Inside you will find a variety of information regarding Alameda. The following forms that need to be signed and returned to me by Monday, Sept 9th:
1) Student Verification Form
2) Walking Field Trip
3) Fluoride
4) Time for Kids money- $8

Several kids have asked about cafeteria helper permission slips. I thought they were included in the packet but were not. I will send those home as soon as I receive them.

Also, please mark your calendar for Back to School Night, Sept 19th from 7-8pm. I look forward to meeting you all and sharing with you about your child's up coming year!