Monday, October 28, 2013

Main Idea & Yosemite National Park

This week we are focusing on the main idea

Our reading will also be about Yosemite National Park

Run for the Arts & Art to Remember

Run for the Arts was due last week. If you have not yet turned it in please bring it by tomorrow, Tuesday Oct 29th!!
Art to Remember- Please turn in any orders preferably by tomorrow but no later than Wednesday Oct 30th!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Headphones for Computer Lab

Up to this point we have not needed headphones in the computer lab. Students will now begin various activities where volume is an option. In order to have volume, students must have their own pair of headphones. Headphones are not to be shared or borrowed between students. If your child would like to have the option of volume please send in a pair of headphones in a zip-bag with their name written on the outside.

Unit 2 Math Switch

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We have started our second math unit today, Tuesday, October 15th. To begin the unit, we will explore the base-four number system.  This exploration allows for new and deeper understanding of our base-ten number system.  However, the larger focus of the unit will be practicing models and strategies of multiplication with larger numbers.  Students will explore the meaning of multiplication and its properties.  They will develop and practice efficient models and mental strategies for multiplying.

Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create five classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level.  All five classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments, as well as student pacing and post-assessment during the last unit. 

Mrs. Caton’s class will work at an accelerated pace.  Students in this class demonstrated mastery in some Bridges content for this unit, and a strong understanding of the remaining content.  When complete mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum will be used to extend their thinking.

Ms. Brown’s and Mrs. Hirata’s classes will work at a standard 4th grade pace, accelerating and compacting instruction when necessary.  Students in these classes have demonstrated some previous understanding of Bridges content for this unit.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided. 

Mrs. Hunting-Knight’s and Mrs. Largo’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade pace.  Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, sketches, and algorithms.  Both classes will have additional adult support provided by Alameda paraprofessional staff.  This additional support is for students within the class who have shown a need for classroom pacing that allows more time to review and practice of newly acquired skills.  Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on classroom performance.

The purpose of organizing math classes in this manner is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                  Abby Largo                             Marisa Hirata                                 

Christy Caton                                     Julie Brown                        

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Run for the Arts

Run for the Arts pledge forms have been sent home with students. Please be sure to collect pledge money and return to school by Tuesday, October 22nd.

Thank you!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Spelling City!

I am using the website Spelling City for the first time this year. Spelling City allows for flexible groupings and appropriate words for students at different levels. Tonight I am having students explore the different games and activities on this website. At times I will assign certain activities and other days they'll be allowed to choose.

Tonight students simply need to explore the site for 20min, trying out various games and activities.

Each student also has a username and password.
Username: First name144 (example: Julie144, Bob144a)
*some students have an "a" on the end of 144 while others do not. Students should have written down their user name today in class. If the one you try does not work try it with(out) the "a"
Password: alameda

**At the top of the SpellingCity page go to "Login" and on the right hand side will be the student login section**

Picture Day Tomorrow! 10/15

Tomorrow is Picture Day! Please send picture order forms in with your child if that is something you're interested in purchasing. Our picture time will be no later than 10am.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Email problems and Run for the Arts!

Dear Parents,

My email is currently not loading on my teacher computer and I have to use a different computer to access my email. Even then I can only view messages but not compose emails. I am working with IT to fix this situation.

With that said, I have a couple volunteers for Run for the Arts tomorrow but am looking for a couple more. Fourth grade will be running at 1:10pm, and volunteers reporting to classrooms at 1:00pm. If you are able and interested in helping please send me an email.

Thank you,
Julie Brown

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Run for the Arts! Oct 9th

Run for the Arts is coming up! Please have your forms in by October 8th as the run is October 9th.
Also, if you are interested in helping with Run For The Arts please let me know, as I am looking for 3-4 helpers.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chaperone Update

Lelooska Lodge Chaperones
There have been many of you who have shown interest in driving/chaperoning our upcoming field trip. From the looks of it, we most likely will not be able to take all interested parents. It is a small venue with several classes/schools packed in. I have kept track of those who've shown interest and who have turned in their license/insurance forms. I will let you know by Oct 16th if you will be joining us for this field trip.

**If you have shown interest please email me indicating how many student passengers your car can hold (not counting the front seat!). Don't worry, the number of seats you have available doesn't effect whether you go or not, it simply lets me know how many parents I need total.

Student Teacher: Miss. Quick

Hi everyone,
My name is Miss. Quick and I will be helping in Ms. Browns class this school year. I will be in the class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings.   I'm a junior  education major at Concordia University.   This is my third year at Concordia University and first year working at Alameda School. I have spent the past two years volunteering in a first and second grade class at Faubion School. I am currently working for Portland Parks and Recreation as a SUN teacher at Faubion's SUN program.

I grew up in Crescent City California, a small town on the coast in northern California. My dad is a middle school teacher, and my mom works in a special day classroom. My family often jokes that teaching is in my blood, and that I'm going into the "family business." I have a younger brother, Daniel, who is currently at boot camp for the U.S. Marine Corps.

On my free time I love to scrapbook, make cards, craft, bake, and read. Scrapbooking is my creative outlet. Whenever I feel stressed I tend to scrapbook and make cards. I'm not the best cook, but I love to bake and make sweet treats. Strawberry shortcakes are my signature dessert.

I am so excited to be working with Ms. Brown and her students this semester.

Ms. Quick