Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wanted: Reading Group Facilitators

Are you wondering how to get involved in the classroom? Has the new year opened up your Wednesday 12:30-1:30 time slot?

If so I am looking for a couple more people to help with reading groups. I've lost some help due to adjusted work schedules and with that groups have become somewhat large or have had to work independently without an adult leader. We're making this work but it would be nice to have assistance for all groups without having to make the groups too large.

If you are available and interested in being a reading group facilitator on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 please send me an email. Thank you!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


from year book staff:
Yearbook Cover Design Contest

Due Date:  Thursday, January 31st    (Please send contest entries to the office.)
Theme:  "Portland"
Medium:   Watercolor
Must be included on cover:  ALAMEDA or ALAMEDA SCHOOL... and  2012-2013

Size:  Dorian Contest Sheet provided or any 8 1/2" x 11" white paper, including watercolor paper  (Please include student's first & last name, grade, & teacher's name on the back of all artwork if using paper other than the contest form provided by Dorian Studio.)

Yearbook Order Forms
Date Due:  Monday, February 11th
Cost:  $16  (Cash or Checks only - Please make checks payable to Alameda PTA.)

Ordering for Multiple Siblings:  Please use a separate order form envelope for each child.  If you want to write one check, please put that check in one of the envelopes & staple all order form envelopes together & send them in with your oldest child.  Once we account for the money and yearbook arrive, we will make sure each of your children gets their own yearbook in their own classroom.

Photos Needed
The yearbook staff is in need of photos for the yearbook.  When sending photos, please include the grade &/or activity.

--Please send K, 2nd & 3rd grade photos to Amy Compton at mailto:amycompton@me.com
--Please send 1st, 4th & 5th grade photos to Julie Brennan at mailto:klm-bp@q.com

Clubs, field trips, & other activity photos can be sent to Amy or Julie.

Because this year's theme is PORTLAND, we are especially interested in getting photos of students on field trips around Portland.  (# Pumpkin Patch, Bridge Tour, Downtown Tour, Whitaker Pond, etc...)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Science and Social Studies

As the year begins we are excited to start two new units of study- Bones & Skeletons and NW Indians. I'll keep you updated on what we're addressing throughout the unit studies but here is a quick overview of the content we'll cover.

Bones & Skeletons
In our Bones & Skeletons unit students will be learning about the five bone groups found in the human body, comparing and contrasting animal skeletons, looking at the function of teeth in humans and animals, learning about and identifying the different types of joints in the body along with much more.

NW Indians
In our Native American unit students will be learning about the different regional tribe groups in Oregon, Coastal and Plateau, along with some specific tribes. Students will be learning about their homes, food and hunting, clothing and culture. At times students will also compare various Indian tribes and as extensions research what NW Indian life looks like in our present day.

I encourage you to take time and ask your child about what they are learning in these two units!

A Message from Our Principal

Welcome Back and happy New Year! I trust everyone had a relaxing and happy time with family and friends! As we start the New Year I would like to remind everyone of a few building and district safety policies that are in place for all students and adults in our community. I ask that these be followed exactly a laid out without exception.

Portland School District Policy requires that all visitors check in at the office upon entering the building and put on a visitor badge. Alameda staff has been instructed to refer all visitors not wearing a badge to the main office to check in. Even if you are just dropping off a lunch in the classroom, paying for lunch in the cafeteria, picking a student up early etc., you are required to check in at the main office.

Pick up/Drop off
Fro drop off, all parents and caregivers must either exit the building or check in at the office at 8:45AM. If you are running late and your child will not get to class by 8:45 you must check him/her in at the office. For pick up, we cannot have anyone waiting on the school playground or anywhere in the building prior to 3:00 PM unless check in procedures have been followed.

Please remember to wait outside for the 8:35 bell before entering the building unless it is raining. If it is raining feel free to wait inside the doors but please to not go down to your teacher’s classroom until 8:35 unless you have an appointment with your teacher. Students eating breakfast may come in and eat and either wait in the cafeteria or head straight out the front door if they finish before the bell rings.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Raddy Lurie, Principal.