Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Classroom Phone Issues

Ever since late November I have been having issues with my classroom phone. It will work one day but not the next three. IT fixes it then it stops working again. All this to say, if you call or leave a voice mail on my classroom phone I will most likely not receive the message. Please use email if you need to contact me!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Polar Express Movie Night!

The Polar Express
When: Wednesday, December 14th
Time: 5:30-8:00pm
What to Bring: Students may bring 1 pillow, 1 blanket, 1 small stuffed animal, and a beverage with a LID! (please no pop!) I will be providing popcorn for the class so please do not send addition snacks.
What to Wear: PAJAMAS! (optional)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Homework Clarification

Monday Night's Homework

Due Tue 12/6
- 20 min reading
- Compare & Contrast*
-Spelling Sheet

*Students only have to do Compare & Contrast (w/Venn Diagram). They do not have to do the Vocabulary (on the back of compare/contrast) that will be part Wednesday night's homework.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Math Unit 3- Fractions and Division

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We will be starting our third math unit on Monday, December 5th.  This unit will focus on fractions and division.  Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can work successfully at their rate and level.

All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Contrary to our last unit, our roles and pacing as teachers has changed based on the results of the pre-assessments. This unit, two classrooms will be moving at an accelerated pace with extensions as needed throughout the unit. One classroom will be moving at a standard pace with extensions as needed. The fourth class will move at a standard pace with additional practice as needed.

The purpose of our re-organizing math classes per unit is to best meet each student’s needs in regards to the concepts and skills in each unit. Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                        Abby Levin                       
khunting@pps.net                                    alevin@pps.net

Christy Caton                                                Julie Brown
ccaton@pps.net                                     jbrown@pps.net

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Polar Express Movie Night

Wednesday, December 14th!
There has been some confusion regarding the date of this year's Polar Express movie night. We took last years flyer and updated the information, come to find out we only updated part of the flyer. The bottom half, which students returned to school was the correct day and date while the top half was incorrect.

Students are allowed to bring:
1 pillow, 1 blanket, 1 sm/med stuffed animal, and a beverage as long as it has a lid! Don't forget to wear pajamas!
Polar Express
Wednesday, December 14th

Monday, November 14, 2011

Alameda Scholastic Book Fair

Alameda Scholastic Book Fair is currently being held in the library this week before and after school as well as during conferences. The Book Fair offers a variety of books for sale spanning many different levels and interests...

Check It Out!
This week Tue-Friday: 8-9am & 2:45-4:00pm (Thursday till 8pm)
Monday 21st: 8am-8pm
Tuesday 22nd: 8-10am

Homework: Due Tues 11/15
- Read 20min
- Spelling Sheet
- Readers Response

Monday, November 7, 2011

3 Day School Week

- This is a three day week, no school on Thursday or Friday for kids; Thursday is a teacher planning day and Friday is Veteran's Day
- Picture retakes will be Tue, Nov 15th

Homework Due 11/8
- Read 20 minutes (one readers response this week)
- Math homework

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework 11/2

Due: Wed 11/2
- 20 minutes reading
- Finish Cycle Oregon Journal Entry #2
Some might stress that they can't finish or feel like they have to spend and hour or so to get it done. All research should have been done a couple weeks back and today's class time should have been spent on a rough draft leaving only the final draft for tonight. This is not the case for some... if that is your child I do not intend for them to stress or spend an unreasonable amount of time on homework. They do however need to work hard and make as much progress as possible!
Also don't forget to bring all materials back to school because we will be working on this project again tomorrow!

Thank You Parents!

Thank You Parents!
I would like to thank all the parents who have helped out this week with both the Halloween Party and Lelooska Lodge Field Trip. This week could not have happened without you... and its only Wednesday!
The students had a frighteningly wonderful time at our Halloween Party playing games, doing crafts and decorating cookies. Many thanks for the time and energy it took to plan, prep and carry out this wonderful afternoon. To our field trip chaperones a big thank you as well! Although some may have been frozen upon return all students were successfully transported from Alameda to Lelooska Lodge and back without any lost fingers or toes!

Thank you!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Lelooska Lodege Field Trip- Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our field trip to Lelooska Lodge! Please remember to pack your child a sack lunch!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween, Field Trip & Alameda Enrollment Mtg

Halloween- Monday
As a reminder costumes must be blood free, gore free and weapon free! Students should NOT wear their costume to school, they will have time after lunch and before the Storybook Parade to change into their costume and apply make-up. Students will be putting their costumes on in the classroom so please make sure they come in a way as to simply slip into the costume publicly.

Lelooska Lodge
On Tuesday we will be going on our 2nd field trip of the year to Lelooska Lodge. Please remember to pack your child a sack lunch on this day!

Alameda Enrollment Conversation
November 3, 2011 in the Alameda Cafeteria (Childcare Provided)
6:30-8:00 PM.  District staff will be here to discuss Alameda’s overcrowding and next steps. For more information please go to www.alamedaschool.org and click on the Enrollment Balancing Information link.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Picture Day Tomorrow 10/11

Picture Day
Tomorrow is picture day. If you are interested in ordering pictures please complete and return the picture order form.

Today students took the pre-test for the upcoming math unit. We will begin our Walk to Math switch starting Wednesday. Tomorrow we will go over the graded final tests, taken this last Friday. Students will need to get a parent signature on the test (so I know you know) and return the signed test as a part for their homework, so please be looking for that Tuesday evening.

Oregon Geography
In the next couple weeks students will be conducting research at home regarding their Cycle Oregon destinations. They will have a research sheet on which they will record information gathered. The majority of the research may be done through the internet but please also consider taking a trip to the library to gather other resources.

Due Tuesday 10/11
- Read 20 min
- Oregon Geography Research: Destination #1

Friday, October 7, 2011

Picture Day & Walk to Math

Next Tuesday 10/11 is picture day! Please fill out and return picture orders by Tuesday morning. 

We have just concluded our first math unit. Come Monday we will pretest for the next unit and begin Walk to Math mid week. As a reminder Walk to Math classes are constructed based on what each child shows us they know on the pretest.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Due Friday

Picture Day this coming Tuesday!

Due Friday 10/7
- 20min reading
- Home Connection 10 (math)
- Reading Log (w/2 readers responses and signed by parent)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Field Trips: Bonneville Dam & Lelooska Lodge

The week is off to a great start! It was wonderful meeting so many of you at Back to School Night last Thursday. As the year progresses please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason!

Field Trips
You will find another field trip form coming home with your child today! We will be visiting Lelooska Lodge, a Native American lodge which tells traditional folk lore through costume, native dance and storytelling on Tuesday, November 1st.  Please complete and return paper work by Oct 21st.

If you have not yet returned the field trip form for Bonneville Dam please do so ASAP as they were due today! I will be sending out an email to chaperones by tomorrow afternoon with more information. This is a great field trip and correlates wonderfully with our current science unit Land & Water.

Due Wednesday 9/28
- 30min Reading
- Readers Response
- Field Trip Forms

Oregon Heart Art

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to School Night Tomorrow!

Back to School Night is Thursday, Sept 22nd from 7-8pm in our classroom. I look forward to meeting you all! We will take this time to go over fourth grade curriculum, student expectations, homework, field trips and much more. Your children have beautiful art hanging around the room for you to admire as well! :)

Due Thursday 9/22
- 20 minutes reading
- Readers Response (students have a yellow packet to give them ideas about what to write for reader's response. Reader's response should be completed in their weekly reading log which was explained and sent home today)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Late Start Wednesday

Tomorrow, Wednesday Sept 21st will be a two hour late start!

Field trip papers regarding our upcoming field trip to Bonneville Dam on Tue, Oct 4th were sent home today. Please sign and return paperwork by Tuesday the 27th. If you are interested in joining us on this trip as a chaperone please indicate your interest on field trip form and/or email me.

Due Wednesday 9/21
- Time for Kids reading and worksheet
- 20 minutes reading

Monday, September 19, 2011

Due Tuesday

Homework Due Tuesday 9/20
- 20 minutes reading
- Math- Home Connection #4 & #5
- Parent signature confirming child read 20min

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Somehow headphones did not make it on this year's supply list. If you have not already please send a pair of headphones to school with your child. We will use headphones for both computer lab and our Listen to Reading center. Students are not aloud to share headphones so please make sure your child has their own pair. We will keep them stored in ziploc baggies in our room.

Thank you!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Night of Homework!

You know school has truly started when homework begins! Please check your child's planner nightly for homework assignments and reminders.

Due Tuesday 9/13
- Math homework
- 20 minutes reading
- Signed Paperwork- Student Verification, walking field trip form, cafeteria helper, etc (some have already turned these in but I yet to receive them all)

Discman Wanted

Is your discman feeling neglected with the invention of the ipod? Is it buried in the junk drawer? If you have an unused discman lying around the house please consider donating it to our classroom! As part of our literacy block this year I am introducing listening centers where students will listen to book on cd. The act of listening to audio helps increase word recognition (as they follow along with the text), fluency and comprehension. In hopes to make this option more accessible to students I am looking to acquire more discmen. I currently have two but am looking for 8 total.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome Parents and Students of 2011-12!

Welcome Parents and Students!
I am so excited for this coming school year! I have a had a fabulous (and hot) two days with the kids so far and anticipate this to be an incredible year! There are many fun projects, activities and field trips that take place in the fourth grade. I look forward to meeting all of you parents on Back to School Night Thursday, September 22nd at which time I'll expand more on the happenings of Ms. Brown's class!

- Please sign and return forms received in student packet
- Look over and make necessary changes to the Student Verification Form, sign and return
- Send you child with a water bottle to keep at their desk (preferably one with a sports top- helps prevent spills) as well as a chapter book for silent reading

Stay Cool!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oregon Trail Overnight Packing List

Dear Families,  
The time has come to prepare for the Oregon Trail Overnight. Please read the following information and save this sheet in a safe place so you can recheck as necessary. Following is a list of what your child needs to pack and what he/she is not to bring. We will leave school at 9:00 am on Thursday, April 28th and return around 1:30 pm on Friday, April 29th. Your child will need a sack lunch for the first day. Everything in the lunch needs to be disposable.  Please write your child’s name on their lunch sack.
Clothing: (Please remember to label all clothing and bedding with your child’s name AND school) Students will carry their own bags, so pack accordingly. Students may dress “pioneer style” if they wish. This may mean jeans and boots, or girls may wear long skirts (please wear warm clothes under skirts). Keep in mind that layers work best: long underwear, shirt, sweatshirt, warm jacket, and a coat (think 3 layers minimum). Students should bring the following packed inside a pillow case that is packed inside a plastic bag labeled with their name and school: One full change of clothes besides what is worn on the first dayJeans or heavy trousers (girls may substitute a long skirt, but we will be outside most of the day so make sure they’ll be able to stay warm) 
  • Shirt or blouse 
  • Warm jacket 
  • Underwear 
  • Extra shoes or boots  
  • Raincoat or poncho (You can find emergency rain ponchos for under $2.00 at some stores) 
  • Gloves  
  • Sweater or sweatshirt 
  • Socks (extra pairs are a good idea) 
  • Pajamas or nightgown – something warm  
  • Lunch – packed seperately from your other gear

Sleeping Gear: (Pack in a large heavy-weight plastic garbage bag. Use masking tape and a marking pen to write the student’s name and school on the garbage bag. We recommend using an extra-thick garbage bag – thin bags tear too easily) Students will be carrying all of their own gear and clothing – so pack accordingly! They will also be responsible for unpacking and repacking. Frequently the thin garbage bags rip, and bedding items can get wet.  You may want to send an extra garbage bag, pre-labeled.  
A sleeping bag or three blankets and sheets – the cabins are heated. 
Pillow and pillow case

Personal Gear (put in a plastic bag or zip lock bag and store with clothes): 
  • Wash cloth 
  • Toothbrush 
  • Toothpaste / floss 
  • Brush or comb 
  • Hand towel 
  • Soap 
Large plastic bag for wet or dirty items 
Please do NOT bring the following: money, cellular phones, radios/Ipods, electronic games, virtual pets, comic books, pocket knives, jewelry, card games, matches, curling irons, make-up or anything to eat (besides the lunch mentioned above), including candy or gum. (An afternoon snack on the first day and all meals will be provided.)

Place all medication needed by your child into a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name, school and teacher’s name. Give the medication directly to your teacher first
thing in the morning on April 28th. Medication must be in original container. The directions on the prescription label must match exactly what you wrote on the parent/guardian authorization on your child’s health history form.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Julie Brown             

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Run 4 the Arts!

Run 4 the Arts is TOMORROW!!  Make sure kids come ready to run! Tennis shoes, running shorts or pants and a water bottle are suggested! I am also looking for 2 or 3 parents to help tally as students run their laps. Our scheduled time is 9:40-10:10 (volunteers would need to come about 5-10 min early and stay 5-10 min later). Please email me if you are able and willing to help with Run 4 the Arts!

Due Thursday 4/21
- 20 min reading
- 30 min of work on either Speech Project or Lewis & Clark Journal (we are trying to wrap these projects up before Oregon Trail!)
 - Parent Signature is required as a part of homework to validate that the student worked for 30 min on project(s).

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Late Open Tomorrow 4/13

Late Open Wednesday April 13th

We are cruising along with our Lewis and Clark unit. We've now made it across the Rocky Mountains and we're almost to the Pacific Ocean! Just a few more days and we'll be there!

As I'm sure many of you saw last night for homework we are starting a project researching either a person, country or animal. We have just started the project and many are eager to get going! From this research students will produce both a powerpoint and a speech. This speech will serve as their speech worksample. Students will be working on this project both at home and in school. If your child is having a hard time finding information online about their topic I would like to encourage you to take a trip to the library and check out any relevant books.

Due 4/13
- 20 min reading
- Math homework

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rapping @ FAM tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Friday, April 8th we will be performing a Lewis & Clark rap for FAM (Friday Afternoon Meeting). You are more than welcome to come watch your child perform! I'm sure many of you have heard the rap and are probably tired of it :) FAM starts at 2:15 on Friday.

We will be working on the school garden tomorrow afternoon spreading bark chips. Students are encouraged to bring gloves to wear if they have some. 

Due Friday 5/8
- 20 min reading
- Signed Reading Long
- Math worksheet

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

OAKS Math Thurs

OAKS State Math Test on Thursday! 

If you have not already paid for the Oregon Trail Overnight please do so ASAP. The cost is $75 and checks are payable to Alameda Elementary.

This Friday, April 8th we will be performing a Lewis & Clark rap for FAM (Friday Afternoon Meeting). You are more than welcome to come watch your child perform. I'm sure many of you have heard the rap and are probably tired of it :) FAM starts at 2:15 on Friday. 

Due Thurs 4/7
- 20 min reading
- Finish Worldly Wise

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OAKS Math Wed & Thurs

OAKS State Math Test on Wednesday and Thursday! 

If you have not already paid for the Oregon Trail Overnight please do so ASAP. The cost is $75 and checks are payable to Alameda Elementary.

Please continue to ask your child about their Lewis and Clark project. Topics so far have been:
-Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase
-Fort Mandan
-Plants and Animals

This Friday, April 8th we will be performing a Lewis & Clark rap for FAM (Friday Afternoon Meeting). You are more than welcome to come watch your child perform. I'm sure many of you have heard the rap and are probably tired of it :) FAM starts at 2:15 on Friday. 

Due Wed 4/6
- 20 min reading
- Math homework

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Next week we will be taking the OAKS Math assessment. Please make every effort to ensure your child is here for the week, particularly on Monday and Thursday!

Oregon Trail Overnight- If you have not already please send in a check payable to Alameda for the amount of $75.

Our class will be performing our Lewis & Clark rap at next Friday's FAM (Friday Afternoon Meeting), most of the kids are very excited about it and a few still warming up to the idea :)

Due Friday 4/1
- 20min reading
- Signed reading log
- Readers Response

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lewis & Clark

I hope you all had a great Spring Break!!

Please look for Run For the Arts pledge paper in your child's backpack! RFTA will happen on April 21st.

We studying Lewis and Clark's great expedition! Take a minute and ask your child what we have been talking about!
Suggested questions/topics of conversation...

Important info about Lewis & Clark
- Jobs
- Role on Expedition
- Why did President Jefferson ask them

Louisiana Purchase and Thomas Jefferson
- Who purchased the land
- Who did we buy it from
- How did it impact the US

Corps of Discovery
- Where did they begin the journey
- Who was in the Corps
- How many were in the Corps
- Name some supplies they took on their journey

Today we watched a Lewis & Clark rap video. We are going to learn the words to it as a class. Here is the link for the L&C Rap. Disclaimer: I will advise the video is on youtube. This video is appropriate but others that are suggested in relation may not be. As a heads up the first 5 seconds and the last 10 are random pictures of what I assume are the guys who made the video, they are appropriate but random. I also found an old School House Rock video as well...
- Lewis & Clark Rap
- School house Rock - Elbow Room
- Sacajawea Rap

Due Wednesday 3/30
- 20 min reading
- Math Homework

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Music Concert tonight!

No Homework this week as a reward for reaching Project 2nd Wind goals!! 

Music Concert tonight!
Be to school at 6:50
Concert starts at 7:00

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Music Reminder

Music Performances
All students and parents are invited to a concert:

Tuesday, 7:00, March 15th (Mardi Gras) in the Alameda cafeteria
Students need to arrive by 6:50 and meet in their classrooms. The teachers will bring the students to the stage from there.
We will be celebrating Mardi Gras, performing several Mardi Gras songs as well as music by George Gershwin and Duke Ellington and others. I hope to see you all there. Dates and lyrics are also posted on the Alameda parent site.

Music: Recorder Unit
After the concert on March 16th I am starting a recorder unit for fourth grade. I will have recorders for sale for $5. These recorders are decent instruments. Students need to bring recorders to class at this time. Students may acquire their own from other sources if they wish. I will make sure they are suitable for class. I have extra recorders for students who forget theirs. I have sanitizer. Please send exact change or a check to   Alameda  . If this is a financial hardship let me know and I will confidentially provide a recorder for that student.

-- Tom Cheek, Music Teacher,   Alameda   tcheek@pps.k12.or.us

Due Friday 3/11
- 20 min reading
- Signed reading log
- (no actual homework as a reward for reaching Project 2nd Wind goal)
- Tomorrow we will finish up our OAKS reading test.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fractions Unit Begins!

Fractions Unit Begins 
This week marks the beginning of our factions unit! Students are switching classes as usual. We are splitting the classes a little differently than we have in the past. All four classes are covering the exact same material the difference is two classes will typically be a day or two ahead in the material while the other two take a slightly slower pace. If you have any questions about this please let me know!

Also, Friday there will be another day of OAKS testing in the area of reading.

Due Thurs 3/10
- 20 minutes of reading
- Readers Response

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Busy Week!

There are a number of things going on this week! Please take note of the following!
-- Project 2nd Wind is this week! Support the Oregon Food Bank and donate canned food or money ($1= 5 cans)
-- Oregon Trail Overnight paper work is DUE this Friday! Please send your child with the three forms filled out (pink, tan, and salmon)
-- Read-A-Thon sponsor money is due this Friday

Due Wednesday 3/2
- 20 minutes reading
- Perimeter sheets (1 worksheet, 1 at home activity)

Music Performances

Music Performances
All students and parents are invited to a concert:

Tuesday, 7:00, March 15th (Mardi Gras) in the Alameda cafeteria. Students need to arrive by 6:50 and meet in their classrooms. The teachers will bring the students to the stage from there.
We will be celebrating Mardi Gras, performing several Mardi Gras songs as well as music by George Gershwin and Duke Ellington and others. I hope to see you all there. Dates and lyrics are also posted on the Alameda parent site.

Also the fourth graders will perform at the FAM on March 4th.

Music: Recorder Unit
After the concert on March 16th I am starting a recorder unit for fourth grade. I will have recorders for sale for $5. These recorders are decent instruments. Students need to bring recorders to class at this time. Students may acquire their own from other sources if they wish. I will make sure they are suitable for class. I have extra recorders for students who forget theirs. I have sanitizer. Please send exact change or a check to   Alameda  . If this is a financial hardship let me know and I will confidentially provide a recorder for that student.

-- Tom Cheek, Music Teacher,   Alameda   tcheek@pps.k12.or.us

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Due Friday 2/18

Due Friday 2/18
- Read 20 minutes
- Signed Reading Log
- Wordly Wise: Finish Lesson 3

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Due Wednesday 2/17

This is a fund raiser we are doing to lower the coast of the Oregon Trail Overnight Field Trip! Students are encouraged to find sponsors to support them! They have from now til the 24th to gather sponsors, on the 25th we will read during the school day, and from the 26th-March 4th they will collect money from their sponsors.

Due Thursday 2/17
- 20 min reading
- Wordly Wise: Lesson #3 part A, B, C

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

State Writing This Week & Read-A-Thon!

Please remember that this week we are taking the state writing assessment. Please make sure your student is here!

Today you will find a green Read-A-Thon sheet coming home with your child. This is a fund raiser we are doing to lower the coast of the Oregon Trail Overnight Field Trip! Students are encouraged to find sponsors to support them! They have from now til the 24th to gather sponsors, on the 25th we will read during the school day, and from the 26th-March 4th they will collect money from their sponsors.

Due Wed 2/16
- 20 min reading
- Math homework

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day Party!

I'm trying to keep V-day pretty simple but we will have a party.
I am looking for volunteers to support the class and/or donate goodies.

1) Elaine

Cups & Napkins
1) Timi

Food Healthy
1) Pam
2) Desi

Class Help (1:30-2:45)
**I would like at least three parent helpers but welcome anyone to join us who would like to!

Also, we will be making our valentine holders in class as the art project. If you have any left over ribbon or decorative items you can donate that would be appreciated!
Please email me if you would like to help!

Oregon Trail Overnight Information Coming Home!

Tomorrow is Alameda T-shirt Day!  Students and staff are encouraged to wear any Alameda t-shirt, sweat shirt or paraphernalia they have!

Today you will notice a packet of Oregon Trail Overnight information coming home! Please read through the packet of information and return signed sheets!

Reminder- Please make sure your child is at school this coming week as we will be taking the state writing assessment!

Due Friday 2/11
- 20 minutes of reading
- Signed reading log
- Multiplication & Division Sheet
- Practice spelling test

Ready...Set... BID!

Auction Project- Final Product!
The students of Room 144 did an amazing job on our class auction project!
Theme: Oregon Geography
Ecola State Park with various Oregon landmarks bordering

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Writing Assessment next week!

As a heads up next Tuesday we will begin our state writing assessment. Please ensure that your child is here throughout the week so he/she has the full time to take the assessment! If they are not here I cannot guarantee they will have make up time.

Due Thursday 2/10
- 20 minutes reading
- Main Idea Worksheet

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Late Open Tomorrow 2/9

Tomorrow is Crazy Hair Day! Kids are encouraged to come with Wacky and Wild hair! :)

Due Wednesday 2/9
- 20 min reading
- Math homework


Hello Parents
I am looking for volunteers to do reading groups for the following dates. Please let me know which dates you are willing to help with. Thanks!

Wed 2/2 @ 9-10am
1. Keri B
2. Annie

Monday 2/7 @ 10-11am         Thursday 2/10 @ 9-10am
1. Jolynn                                   1. Jin
2. Olive                                     2. Keri B
3.                                               3. Nancy Woodruff

Monday 2/14 @ 10-11am          Wednesday 2/16 @ 10-11am
1. Olive                                        1. Jin
2.                                                  2.
3.                                                  3.

Monday 2/28 @ 8:50-9:50am     Wed 3/2 @ 9-10am
1. Olive                                         1. Jin
2. Pam                                           2. Nancy Woodruff
3.                                                   3.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spirit Week!

This coming week, Feb 7-11, is Alameda Spirit Week!
Kids are encouraged to participate in the fun and dress according to the day's theme!

Monday- Monochromatic Day
Tuesday- PJ Day
Wednesday- Crazy Hair Day
Thursday- Twin Day
Friday- Alameda T-shirt Day

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

YEAR BOOK Orders Due Friday!

Year Book!
Don't forget yearbook orders are due this Friday, February 4th! 

Due Thursday 2/3
- 20 min reading
- Character & Setting worksheet

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Due Wednesday 2/2

**Please remember that the action ladies are collecting money for the glass art project ($10) and Susan is collecting money for the classroom emergency kits ($2). If you have not already contributed to these projects please do so as soon as possible!
On their behalf, Thank You!

Due Wed 2/2
- 20 min reading
- Math homework

Monday, January 31, 2011

Classroom Emergency Kits

*Collecting $1-$2 for Classroom Emergency Kits

As mentioned briefly in News Notes last week, and to comply with a  new school district mandate, each classroom at Alameda must have an emergency kit/bucket.  These kits will contain water, granola bars, toilet paper, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and batteries and could be used in the event of an extended lock down or other emergency situation.  In the event of an evacuation, the buckets could be transported out of the classroom if needed.

Each 4th grade classroom is collecting $1-$2 from each class member to help purchase items for the kits.  A 4th grade parent has agreed to buy the stuff for the kits, so all we need to do is contribute $1-$2 toward the purchase of the items.

Susan Hanson (Ella L's mom) is collecting the money for our classroom.  There is an envelope to collect the money.  Please put $1-$2 in the envelope by Friday, February 4th.  Write your child's name on the front of the envelope as you contribute. You can email Susan at sj.hanson@comcast.net if you have any questions.

 Thank you!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Successful Field Trip!

Sorry for poor communication this week. I've been out sick 1.5 day and will home again tomorrow trying to kick this thing! 

The field trip was a success! It was a great movie and students seemed to enjoy it. Next week we'll be starting our explorers unit which should be quiet fun! 

Due Friday 1/28
- 20 minutes reading
- Signed reading log
- Spelling sheet

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OMSI Field Trip on Thursday!

OMSI field trip this week! On Thursday we are going to the Omnimax Theater to view a movie on Lewis & Clark. This should be a great field trip. We will be getting back after the scheduled lunch break so please plan on packing your child a lunch or let me know if you want a sack lunch ordered from the cafeteria.

I am looking for one more driver. Please let me know if you are able and willing to drive and attend the field trip with us. We will leave the school at 9am and return around 12pm on Thursday, January 27th.

Due 1/26
- 20 minutes of reading
- Math homework

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Auction Project & OMSI forms

Please look for a flyer regarding our 4th grade auction project in your child's bag tonight!
If you have not already, please return your child's OMSI field trip forms, it is due this Friday!

Due Thurs 1/20
- 20 min reading
- Spelling sheet

Also for those students curious here is a picture of Beja, my new dog!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Auction Project

Hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend!

Please look in your child's bag for a flyer regarding the class auction. Gemma Evan (Corbin), Denise Darrell (Ava) and Elaine Chan (Kent) are kindly heading up the project. If you have any questions please contact one of these ladies.

Due Tues 1/19
- 20 minutes of reading
- Math class homework

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Due Thursday 1/13

Sorry for the lack of posts, its taken a bit to get back in the swing of things!

If you have not already, please sign and return your student's permission form for OMSI! This field trip will take place on Thursday, Jan 27th!

Due Thursday 1/13
- 20 minutes of reading
- Reading packet