Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Upcoming Field Trips

Please mark your calendars!
February 27th, morning: OMSI Theater- Lewis and Clark Movie
March 12th, morning: Fort Vancouver
April 29/30 or May 1/2** (still determining which classes will go when): Oregon Trail    **I know many are eager, but I ask that you please do not contact me yet regarding chaperoning. I will send out a field trip form and chaperone interest letter mid/end of March. Thank you very much!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Week of Jan 20-24

This week is Spirit Week!!!!!!!!

     Tuesday is P.J. Day, Wednesday is Crazy Hair Day, Thursday is Hats & Glasses day & Friday is Sports Jersey Day.  In class we are working on spelling, we have a test every Monday & Friday Monday is a spelling pre-test & Friday is a spelling post-test.
     This week is the final week of Jump Rope for Heart, I hope you parents have helped your kids turn their forms in. We have been working on a play for the past week, it is called D.C. Riddle Rally, it is about kids trying to figure out riddles about historic monuments in Washington D.C.
     In calendar we have been working on elapsed time on a clock.  We have been looking at patterns & making predictions about about the next calendar card.  In geography we have been studying mountains, lakes and rivers. We have been using computers to search for facts about lakes & rivers.
Then we get into are travel groups which are divided equally into six groups, then we combine  are facts to complete a poster.  When we're done we each get assigned a lake and write a postcard with a picture on the back to a random person.
      We are reading a book called SoYou Want To Be President. It's about the president's job & what he does. Some presidents liked their jobs and others didn't, some said it was the worst four years of their life.  In the book it tells you facts about the characters such as who was the tallest president & who was the shortest.  This week we have read short books to inform us about the government & equal rights.  Each group has a different book that is about government.                                            
      In math we are working on eights which is for quick facts.  We do all this work in class and we also practice our focus facts which we have been working on for a week and will keep practicing it through the next week also.  Throughout the week classes have been taking a quiz on what we've learned so far.

                                   BY STRYDER TODD-FIELDS AND CADAN CROWLEY

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week of Jan 13-17

               We are finally back from winter break in a new week, heres what we've been doing:

           On monday we switched math classes (some of us). This unit we are focusing on fractions and division. We also started Wordly Wise. We are on lesson 1, Wordly wise is vocabulary, understanding, spelling and grammar.
         Also on Monday we started spelling tests. Every Monday we do a Pre-Test and on Fridays we do a Post-Test. We have Twenty-Five words in total, and five challenge words.
        We have just finished our personal narratives. We started brainstorming ideas then we made a web. Then we wrote a rough draft. Next we edited and revised. Finally we were on  are final drafts. Some of us have Twelve pages on our drafts! We spend a while working on these. We looked at character description, setting description, dialogue and interesting details. And they were a big success.
        Also on Oregon Geography we learned the seven regions of oregon:
 the Coastal Range is where the Paciffic  ocean meets  Oregon,  the Klamath Mountains are right beneath the Coastal Range and above California , Willamette Valley is where we live, besides the Coastal Range and Cascade Mountains, Cascade Mountains touches every region we have located exept for the BlueMountains, next their is the Basin & Range Region borders part of California and part of Nevada, next is the Columbia Plateau is the biggest region in Oregon, and last their is the Blue Mountains (Also known as the Wallowa Mountains) which are in the upper right corner of Oregon.
        Now back to cities. We observed that the majority of the cities filled the Willamette Valley. None of these cities are in the Klamath Mountains Or the Basin & Range Region (or at least the ones we studied).These are the Thirty-Four cities we studied: Astoria, Albany, Ashland, Baker City, Bandon, Bend, Brownsville, Corvallis, Coquille, Coos Bay, Cannon Beach, Depoe Bay, Eugene, Enterprise, Florence, Grants Pass, Hood River, John Day, Jacksonville, Joseph, Klamath Falls, La Grande, Madras, McMinnville, Medford, Monmouth, Newberg, Newport, Oregon City, Pendleton, Pacific City, Redmond, Salem and Sisters. We all received a crossword with all the cities hidden in it and most of us are busy working on it.
      One of the biggest rivers is the Columbia river. It is the border between Oregon and Washington and flows into the Pacific Ocean. The Willamette river flows right through the Willamette Valley and ends up in the Columbia river. The John Day river ends at the North border and flows into the Columbia it is in the Columbia Plateau. The Deschutes river starts in the Columbia Plateau and also flows into the Columbia. And then the Snake river borders Idaho, Blue Mountains and the Columbia Plateau. The Umpqua river starts in the Cascade Mountains and flows through the Coastal Range into the Pacific Ocean. The last river is the Rogue river it runs through the klamath mountains to the Pacific ocean.
     These are the mountains we studied, The Three Sisters, Wallowa Mountains, Mt. Hood, The Steens Mountains, Mt Theilsen and Mt Washington.
     We recently added all the rivers, cities and regions to our Oregon Geography Wall. And we made little scrapbook pages about each mountain.
                                             So those are the highlights of are week.
                                                           By Philip & Renata