Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Class Garden Underway!

Our class garden is underway!
Today students had the opportunity, thanks to Anthony and Diana (Christopher's parents), to explore the concepts of soil nutrients and what is involved in planting and growing a garden.
Over the next couple months we will be growing snap peas, lettuce and radishes. We will grow the vegetables both in our garden bed and in the classroom and observe the differences.

Spirit Week

Tuesday- Sports Jersey 
Wednesday- Crazy Hair 
Thursday- Pajamas
Friday- Alameda T-shirt

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hip-Hop Dance

Finally figured this one out... here's the dance video! Practice up kids!
Parents, we will be performing at 1:30 on Wednesday Feb 13th. Its a very short performance but please feel free to come watch your children!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching!
If you are able and interested in helping with a class party please let me know (also looking for someone or a few to head this simple event). Typically we take the last the last 45min of school and do a simple party with treats, a couple simple games or activities and the traditional passing out of cards. A complete class list will go home with your child this Friday. Valentine cards are not required but if your child does bring a card I ask that they have one for every student in the class.