Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Art Night

Just a reminder that Alameda Art Night is tomorrow, Thursday, May 24th from 6:30-7:30pm
Please come enjoy all the beautiful art created by your children!
See you there!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Math Switch: Unit 7

May 14, 2012
Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We will be starting our final math unit, Algebraic Thinking, tomorrow.  In this unit, students will spend concentrated time observing, extending and making generalizations about visual, numeric and graphic patterns.  Students have completed a pre-assessment on the skills that will be presented in this unit.  Our team has used this data to create four classes, organized so that each student can successfully have opportunities to gain new skills, practice with peers, and discuss mathematical topics.  All four classes will be covering the fourth grade standards for this unit. Similar to our previous units, our roles and pacing as teachers is based on the results of the pre-assessments and the needs of the curriculum standards.

Mrs. Caton’s class will continue to work at an accelerated pace, reviewing Bridges content as needed. The students in this class have demonstrated mastery of most algebraic patterns.  Mrs. Caton will begin with Bridges curriculum and extend concepts through the  M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds) curriculum.

Ms. Brown’s class will continue to work at an accelerated pace, as appropriate.  Students in this class demonstrated some understanding of algebraic concepts on the pre-test.  When mastery of skills and concepts is shown through class assignments and homework, extensions will be provided.  Opportunities for deeper understanding of geometrical concepts may also be explored.

Mrs. Hunting-Knight’s and Miss Levin’s classes will be working at a standard 4th grade level pace.  During this unit, their classes have been blended to allow for a slightly wider range of abilities and learning rates. The goal of this structure is to enable more student conversations that deepen student understanding. Students will explore the Bridges content through use of manipulatives, to build depth of conceptual algebraic understanding. Extensions and modifications will be provided as needed, based on individual classroom performance.  Mrs. Hunting-Knight will have our 4th grade Educational Assistant to support her class, and Miss Levin will have the support of Alameda’s Math Specialist Mrs. Robinson in her classroom.

Please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher with any specific questions or concerns you may have. Below you will find all fourth grade teachers’ email addresses for your convenience throughout the unit.

The Fourth Grade Team

Kimberly Hunting-Knight                        Abby Levin                                        

Christy Caton                                                Julie Brown                           

Sporting events

Throughout the year I have told students that I would be delighted to come and watch a game they are playing in (soccer, baseball, etc). However as has been the pattern they typically tell me the day of or day before. If your child would like me to come watch a game please email or send in a schedule. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to attend but I will do my best to find a game that coincides with my schedule! Also, if your child plays with another student from our class please mention that as I can plan to hit two or three birds with one stone :)