Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Field Trips: Bonneville Dam & Lelooska Lodge

The week is off to a great start! It was wonderful meeting so many of you at Back to School Night last Thursday. As the year progresses please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason!

Field Trips
You will find another field trip form coming home with your child today! We will be visiting Lelooska Lodge, a Native American lodge which tells traditional folk lore through costume, native dance and storytelling on Tuesday, November 1st.  Please complete and return paper work by Oct 21st.

If you have not yet returned the field trip form for Bonneville Dam please do so ASAP as they were due today! I will be sending out an email to chaperones by tomorrow afternoon with more information. This is a great field trip and correlates wonderfully with our current science unit Land & Water.

Due Wednesday 9/28
- 30min Reading
- Readers Response
- Field Trip Forms

Oregon Heart Art

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to School Night Tomorrow!

Back to School Night is Thursday, Sept 22nd from 7-8pm in our classroom. I look forward to meeting you all! We will take this time to go over fourth grade curriculum, student expectations, homework, field trips and much more. Your children have beautiful art hanging around the room for you to admire as well! :)

Due Thursday 9/22
- 20 minutes reading
- Readers Response (students have a yellow packet to give them ideas about what to write for reader's response. Reader's response should be completed in their weekly reading log which was explained and sent home today)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Late Start Wednesday

Tomorrow, Wednesday Sept 21st will be a two hour late start!

Field trip papers regarding our upcoming field trip to Bonneville Dam on Tue, Oct 4th were sent home today. Please sign and return paperwork by Tuesday the 27th. If you are interested in joining us on this trip as a chaperone please indicate your interest on field trip form and/or email me.

Due Wednesday 9/21
- Time for Kids reading and worksheet
- 20 minutes reading

Monday, September 19, 2011

Due Tuesday

Homework Due Tuesday 9/20
- 20 minutes reading
- Math- Home Connection #4 & #5
- Parent signature confirming child read 20min

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Somehow headphones did not make it on this year's supply list. If you have not already please send a pair of headphones to school with your child. We will use headphones for both computer lab and our Listen to Reading center. Students are not aloud to share headphones so please make sure your child has their own pair. We will keep them stored in ziploc baggies in our room.

Thank you!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Night of Homework!

You know school has truly started when homework begins! Please check your child's planner nightly for homework assignments and reminders.

Due Tuesday 9/13
- Math homework
- 20 minutes reading
- Signed Paperwork- Student Verification, walking field trip form, cafeteria helper, etc (some have already turned these in but I yet to receive them all)

Discman Wanted

Is your discman feeling neglected with the invention of the ipod? Is it buried in the junk drawer? If you have an unused discman lying around the house please consider donating it to our classroom! As part of our literacy block this year I am introducing listening centers where students will listen to book on cd. The act of listening to audio helps increase word recognition (as they follow along with the text), fluency and comprehension. In hopes to make this option more accessible to students I am looking to acquire more discmen. I currently have two but am looking for 8 total.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome Parents and Students of 2011-12!

Welcome Parents and Students!
I am so excited for this coming school year! I have a had a fabulous (and hot) two days with the kids so far and anticipate this to be an incredible year! There are many fun projects, activities and field trips that take place in the fourth grade. I look forward to meeting all of you parents on Back to School Night Thursday, September 22nd at which time I'll expand more on the happenings of Ms. Brown's class!

- Please sign and return forms received in student packet
- Look over and make necessary changes to the Student Verification Form, sign and return
- Send you child with a water bottle to keep at their desk (preferably one with a sports top- helps prevent spills) as well as a chapter book for silent reading

Stay Cool!