Monday, January 31, 2011

Classroom Emergency Kits

*Collecting $1-$2 for Classroom Emergency Kits

As mentioned briefly in News Notes last week, and to comply with a  new school district mandate, each classroom at Alameda must have an emergency kit/bucket.  These kits will contain water, granola bars, toilet paper, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and batteries and could be used in the event of an extended lock down or other emergency situation.  In the event of an evacuation, the buckets could be transported out of the classroom if needed.

Each 4th grade classroom is collecting $1-$2 from each class member to help purchase items for the kits.  A 4th grade parent has agreed to buy the stuff for the kits, so all we need to do is contribute $1-$2 toward the purchase of the items.

Susan Hanson (Ella L's mom) is collecting the money for our classroom.  There is an envelope to collect the money.  Please put $1-$2 in the envelope by Friday, February 4th.  Write your child's name on the front of the envelope as you contribute. You can email Susan at if you have any questions.

 Thank you!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Successful Field Trip!

Sorry for poor communication this week. I've been out sick 1.5 day and will home again tomorrow trying to kick this thing! 

The field trip was a success! It was a great movie and students seemed to enjoy it. Next week we'll be starting our explorers unit which should be quiet fun! 

Due Friday 1/28
- 20 minutes reading
- Signed reading log
- Spelling sheet

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OMSI Field Trip on Thursday!

OMSI field trip this week! On Thursday we are going to the Omnimax Theater to view a movie on Lewis & Clark. This should be a great field trip. We will be getting back after the scheduled lunch break so please plan on packing your child a lunch or let me know if you want a sack lunch ordered from the cafeteria.

I am looking for one more driver. Please let me know if you are able and willing to drive and attend the field trip with us. We will leave the school at 9am and return around 12pm on Thursday, January 27th.

Due 1/26
- 20 minutes of reading
- Math homework

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Auction Project & OMSI forms

Please look for a flyer regarding our 4th grade auction project in your child's bag tonight!
If you have not already, please return your child's OMSI field trip forms, it is due this Friday!

Due Thurs 1/20
- 20 min reading
- Spelling sheet

Also for those students curious here is a picture of Beja, my new dog!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Auction Project

Hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend!

Please look in your child's bag for a flyer regarding the class auction. Gemma Evan (Corbin), Denise Darrell (Ava) and Elaine Chan (Kent) are kindly heading up the project. If you have any questions please contact one of these ladies.

Due Tues 1/19
- 20 minutes of reading
- Math class homework

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Due Thursday 1/13

Sorry for the lack of posts, its taken a bit to get back in the swing of things!

If you have not already, please sign and return your student's permission form for OMSI! This field trip will take place on Thursday, Jan 27th!

Due Thursday 1/13
- 20 minutes of reading
- Reading packet