Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Due Thursday 12/16

Notebook Paper- Some have asked what type of paper. I'm looking for the following: Lined, wide rule, loose leaf notebook paper. Thank you!

Reminder- A number of students have been coming in with Santa hats. I don't mind Santa hats but they are not to be worn inside or kept at their desks 

Due 12/16
- 20 min reading
- Math homework

Monday, December 13, 2010

Out of Notebook Paper! :(

Notebook Paper! We are in desperate need of lined notebook paper! We didn't have much to begin with and as of today we have no more. If anyone is able and willing to donate lined notebook paper to our class that would be greatly appreciated!

Due 12/14
- 20 minutes of reading
- Spelling Sheet
- Record spelling in planner
- Multiplication sheet

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Movie Night this Friday!!

Tomorrow is Moive Night!! I'm very excited to spend the evening with the students, should be a great time! The Polar Express will be shown; students will arrive at 5:30 and need to be picked up by 8:00pm.
Pajamas, pillows, blankets and a stuffed animal are welcome!

Due 12/10
- 20 min reading
- Spelling sheet
- Spelling practice test
- Signed reading log

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Movie Night this Friday!!

- Holiday Movie Night this Friday!! Please let me know if your child will be able to make it. Popcorn, hot chocolate and apple juice will be provided. They are encouraged to wear their pajamas as well as bring one pillow and one blanket!
- We are collecting donations for the Oregon Food Bank. Please feel free to bring in non-perishable foods or a donation

Due 12/9
- 20 min reading
- Problem Solver (we've done two of these in class together but as I explained this one some students were a little confused. I'd like to encourage parents to work on this assignment with their child if needed)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Late Open Tomorrow 12/8

- Tomorrow, Wednesday Dec 8th is late open
- Friday is the class viewing of the Polar Express (5:30-8:00)! If you have not already RSVP-ed for your child please do so as soon as possible. Also, there will be snacks but please feed your child dinner beforehand!
- This week we are taking donations for the Oregon Food Bank. Please feel free to contribute!

Due 12/8
- 20 minutes of reading
- Fact & Opinion

Monday, December 6, 2010

Due Tuesday 12/7

Oregon Food Bank
Julia James is helping out with the Oregon Food Bank,  in light of the this, we as a class are collecting non perishable foods and/or donations for the Oregon Food Bank. Students are welcome to participate!

- Late Open this Wednesday!
- It's that time of year- Santa hats. As a reminder hats are not allowed indoors. Students may wear them to and from school as well as on the playground but no hats in the classroom.

Due 12/7
- 20 minutes of reading
- Spelling sheet
- Enter spelling words into planner
- Multiplication sheet

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Movie Night

The Polar Express
On Friday December 10th at 5:30 I will be hosting a viewing of The Polar Express for my students! This event will take place in our classroom and will go from 5:30-8:00 pm. I will be providing popcorn, hot chocolate and apple juice. Students are welcome to bring a pillow and blanket as well as come dressed in the pajamas!! This will be a fun time as a class and I hope students are able to make it!!
If you have not already RSVP-ed for your child please do so!
**Ms Brown

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No School Friday

No School Friday!

Due 12/2
- 20 minutes reading
- Readers response
- Signed Reading Log
- Spelling practice test